Search Engines

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  • huavco

    • Oct 2007
    • 26

    Search Engines

    Hello out there.
    I am a new member to Blue Voda. After some stumbles, I have finally managed to get my site published.
    I like my web page, nice and simple, nothing fancy.
    My problem is that, although I can call up my web site by typing in the exact site name, I can't seem to find it on the web on any of the search engines. At least not in the first 40 pages of search results anyway.
    I have listened to the tutorials asbout naming my page, meta tags, and the keyword digger, but, I can't seem to understand what I am supposed to do to get it to show up in a search.
    If someone could offer me some help, step by baby step, in non- computer speak, I would be grateful.
    The site is
    Client #18551
    I may have to leave shortly, but I will check for replies asap.
    Thanks for any and all help in advance.
  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Re: Search Engines

    Well- if you type in avation consulting canada, there are over 2 million entries. It will take some time and a bunch of people visiting your site for you to move up in ranks- no matter how good your page is set up.

    Also- the description should be a paragraph of 25 words or less telling everyone about your business.

    The key words- they should be about your business specifically and all of the key words should be found in the body of your page also. IF their not- the bots will penalize you for it and your ranking will suffer.

    Each picture- make sure to give them an alternative name or description in the picture properties

    Your title- Hutchinson Aviation should be put in an <H1 H1> tag
    Doing so will help as the bots like this tags and use them to catalouge what the page is all about.

    Those are just a few that I can think of.

    PHP- is a blast!


    • huavco

      • Oct 2007
      • 26

      Re: Search Engines

      Thanks Andy, all my key words do appear on my page. I have also heard that it takes time for the page to propogate through the web search engines.
      If you had the time could you please explain what you mean by the <H1 H1> tag. I am a newbie at the whole web page world, or anything to do with computers, at this level.

      Thanks again, huavco (aka Shane)


      • larazovich

        • Jul 2006
        • 5811

        Re: Search Engines

        First, have a read of Beth's free ebook about search engine optimization, here is the link

        Do a search on this forum for h1, h2 and etc tags and read all you can find about them. You need to understand what they are and how to use them, and then, after you are clear on that, here is how to insert them..

        Here is how I do it:
        I enter the text I want in a text box
        Then I right click to html and enter <h1> in the before tag and </h1> in the after tag

        Same for h2 tags,of course substituting h2 for h1 in the above directions

        Remember, ONE h1 to a page!


        Ring the bells that still can ring


        • huavco

          • Oct 2007
          • 26

          Re: Search Engines

          Thanks so much, I feel like the help that I have received from the responses should do the trick.

          Thanks, Shane.


          • Bethers
            Major General & Forum Moderator

            • Feb 2006
            • 5224

            Re: Search Engines

            And, Shane, have a read in the search engine section of this forum - where you'll find more help on the subject. It's really good to use this forum - as the answers are usually already posted :)
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

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