index page in blue voda

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  • enetwal

    • May 2006
    • 17

    index page in blue voda

    Some time ago I created a page I purchased another domain and forward it to the earltnetwal site. The redirected domain is

    If I had my druthers, I would have be on vodahost and showing the material now on site.

    I want to dramatically change what I now have on and with or without a change to the shipcover url.

    And that is the reason for this post.

    I created teh site some time ago with Blue Voda and kind of let it be. It has not done the business I Hoped it would, and I now wish to change things. I had to retrieve my passwords, having forgotten them all, and needed to download BlueVoda all over again.

    At first I was unable to see my blue voda created pages, but eventually I figured out how to access them with the FTP. I was somewhat confused on what or how to download all the items on the EarlTNetwal site, but I pretty much copy all'd and pulled it into my Blue Voda file on my desktop.

    I can access most of the pages now, but not the index page. I keep getting an error saying unexpected format.

    I hope I have explained my problem clearly enough. I am very rusty on everything, and need to do some relatively rapid major surgery to the site.

    Basically, I want to download my web site into my newly downloaded Blue Voda, so I can completely redo it. I have not been able to get everything downloaded via FTP properly. The Index page being the Biggie. I'm not sure if copying everything was the correct procedure in the first place.

    Any suggestions welcome.
    Earl Netwal
  • LadyEye
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Jun 2006
    • 10526

    Re: index page in blue voda


    Okay, you certainly can have your transferred or the domain pointed to your voda servers.

    Voda Host will transfer your domain for you if you request or you can log into your current domain registrar account and point this domain to voda servers, (those two servers found in your log in information). You will then add this on as an ADDON Domain in your control panel under the icon ADD ON DOMAIN and this domain will be with Voda.

    Now I just wonder why you want your pages if you are going to completely redo your site. You only need to rebuild and republish a page over an existing page to change things.

    Once you have transferred or added this domain within your voda host account, you can republish all those pages.

    To retrieve your index page, import this page in your builder, go to file, new, import page from existing html and remember to tick remote in the choice boxes, type in your url and the page will come in for you .. you'll make a few adjustments and republish.

    Once you have the other domain with voda host you will do your publishing for this domain to public_html/shipcovers (this you will need to type in the publishing box when publishing to this domain, and then you will need to remove it when publishing to your main domain


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    • enetwal

      • May 2006
      • 17

      Re: index page in blue voda

      Thank you. etn
      Earl Netwal

