Just a few questions

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  • jacobsaunders1993

    • Nov 2007
    • 2

    Just a few questions

    Hello I'm building my very first website and I have a few questions. If I need to update or do anything to it while it is on the internet, can I do that and if I can how? If I want to remove it from the internet for any reason can I do that and if I can how? Finally Is it absolutely free? Thank You Jacob Saunders jacobsaunders1993******.com
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: Just a few questions

    Update: just create the updated versions of the pages and publish them again

    Removing: just delete your pages from the server

    Free: BlueVoda is free. To publish your website (put it in the internet) with BlueVoda, you need a paid for VodaHost hosting account . Please have a look to the prices.
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