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text menu link spacing

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  • text menu link spacing

    Just started building my website. I am using a text menu in a horizontal pattern. My question is I want an extra space (line) between the links. How can I accomplish this?? Thanks, Kari

  • #2
    Re: text menu link spacing

    Hi, it wont show as anything! But when you create the text that will show as a link, press the space bar 2 or three times at the end of the text. This will give you a gap between the letters.

    Good luck.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • #3
      Re: text menu link spacing

      Actually, I want an extra line between the links not just a few spaces so that my text is every other line. Any ideas? Kari


      • #4
        Re: text menu link spacing

        Originally posted by rxpkmk3 View Post
        Actually, I want an extra line between the links not just a few spaces so that my text is every other line. Any ideas? Kari

        Just use the standard text maker and set your text out like this....

        Home Page | Products | Gallery | contact | Resources

        Then just highlight each word in turn and link to each page like this...

        Home Page | Products | Gallery | contact | Resources

        Here's an example of how i did one http://www.******
        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

