Can you publish small bits

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  • jaykay
    First Sergeant

    • Mar 2007
    • 83

    Can you publish small bits

    Can you publish changes individually, I mean, when you make a minor change do you have to publish the whole page again.

  • karenwms63

    • Feb 2008
    • 865

    Re: Can you publish small bits

    Yes you do, because if you don't publish, it will not show.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by karenwms63; 03-11-2008, 11:12 AM. Reason: missed a comma
    Karen Williams
    Your Belief is Your Reality


    • Meanderer

      • Aug 2007
      • 324

      Re: Can you publish small bits

      Originally posted by jaykay View Post
      Can you publish changes individually, I mean, when you make a minor change do you have to publish the whole page again.

      I'm wondering if you had something different in mind in your question. (It pays to be specific and clearly define question and what you are trying to do.)

      If you want to make a minor change (that is going to be temporary) and your going to revert back to the original, then it is best to open the page in your BV program (or your file manager) and change its name slightly and save. Now make your changes to your page and then save it with the same filename that you originaly had and publish this to your site. Do the same in reverse when you want go back to the original.
      e.g. pagename.html ---> pagenameoriginal.html then save altered page to pagename.html and publish. (NOTE: you don't use the .html in as BV does that automatically. I've just shown it here for identity)

      Making small alterations to a page requires the whole page to be republished but that is no hassle or inconvienience.

