I'm Ido and I from Israel.
I building website in bluevoda program and I have some problems.
When I write in hebrew some words and then I put point(.),
The point is in the other side of the line.
Examples:(it will be write in Hebrew)
I write - hello.
It's show - .hello
Or i write - hello!
It's show - !hello
So i used this guide:
The way I found to write text in Hebrew going this way: 1. Look at this image and copy to your dialoge box

2. Open the "page html" and inset this lines between head tag:
DIV#container {direction: rtl;
MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: auto; WIDTH: 1000px; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: left
You can see it here:

It's very help me and the Hebrew is going well but now the page is in the right side of the browser and not in the center.
Now in the page properties, I have the check box in the bottom - center in browser.
Now when it's check - the Hebrew is good and working great but the page is in the right side of the browser and not in the center of the browser,
and when it's uncheck - the page is in the center like it should be but the Hebrew is not good and the point is in the wrong side of the line.
(When it's check and the Hebrew is good the punctuation marks is in their place in all the browsers: internet explorer, netscape, firefox.
But the page isn't in the center of the browser.
but when it uncheck the punctuation marks in the internet explorer not appears in the same side like in firefox and netscape.
Exampels when it uncheck:(it will be write in Hebrew)
internet explorer - hello!
firefox - !hello
netscape - !hello
here examples that the page is in the right side of the browser and not in the center:
it's in the right side and not in the center:
it in the center like it sould be:
so how i can do that the hebrew will be good and that the page will be in the center of the browser?
pleas help me,
I'm Ido and I from Israel.
I building website in bluevoda program and I have some problems.
When I write in hebrew some words and then I put point(.),
The point is in the other side of the line.
Examples:(it will be write in Hebrew)
I write - hello.
It's show - .hello
Or i write - hello!
It's show - !hello
So i used this guide:
The way I found to write text in Hebrew going this way: 1. Look at this image and copy to your dialoge box
2. Open the "page html" and inset this lines between head tag:
DIV#container {direction: rtl;
MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: auto; WIDTH: 1000px; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto; POSITION: relative; TEXT-ALIGN: left
You can see it here:
It's very help me and the Hebrew is going well but now the page is in the right side of the browser and not in the center.
Now in the page properties, I have the check box in the bottom - center in browser.
Now when it's check - the Hebrew is good and working great but the page is in the right side of the browser and not in the center of the browser,
and when it's uncheck - the page is in the center like it should be but the Hebrew is not good and the point is in the wrong side of the line.
(When it's check and the Hebrew is good the punctuation marks is in their place in all the browsers: internet explorer, netscape, firefox.
But the page isn't in the center of the browser.
but when it uncheck the punctuation marks in the internet explorer not appears in the same side like in firefox and netscape.
Exampels when it uncheck:(it will be write in Hebrew)
internet explorer - hello!
firefox - !hello
netscape - !hello
here examples that the page is in the right side of the browser and not in the center:
it's in the right side and not in the center:

it in the center like it sould be:

so how i can do that the hebrew will be good and that the page will be in the center of the browser?
pleas help me,