inserting HTML CODES

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  • windowdesigns

    • May 2008
    • 2

    inserting HTML CODES

    I built my site using Yahoo Sitebuilder. It enables you to insert html codes. I am just learning about HTMLs. If you insert a code, for instance, a h1, h2, h3, does the typed information have to show in the browser when someone opens my page, or can I hide the code and the search engine will still pick it up. I have the same h1 text in a text box on the page. Help
  • Watdaflip
    Major General

    • Sep 2005
    • 2116

    Re: inserting HTML CODES

    I can't comment as how the search engine will react to it... but to actuallly hide the tag just make it something like

    <h1 style="display: none; position: absolute;">

    display:none; hides the tag
    position: absolute; this will position the tag out of the way... otherwise, even though its hidden, it will still displace text like normal

    Register/Login Script
    Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script

