question about version 10.12

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  • dancersk

    • Aug 2006
    • 24

    question about version 10.12

    I had my hard drive go bad a couple of weeks ago and am having problems getting into my site to make edits......(see my previous thread "unexpected file format" about 6 threads before this one).
    I was told to get the latest version which I see is 10.12. ( I actually thought 8.0.1 was the latest version until I was told different. I don't get to the forums too often, sorry.)
    Will I be able to edit my current website that I built using version 8 after installing 10.12? Will my current website be the same if I install version 10.12?
    I don't really want to have to redo the whole website.
    I've never used a more current version since I joined, so I don't know what it does to the website.

    Thanks to all who have offered advice.

    S. Kramer
  • CarbonTerry
    Major General

    • Oct 2005
    • 2620

    Re: question about version 10.12

    You will not lose anything. All older versions are no longer supported. Once you save pages in BV10.1.2 they can no longer be edited in the old versions.
    Semper Fi
    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

    Red Hawk Archery
    Zone 5 Photo
    My USMC


    • dancersk

      • Aug 2006
      • 24

      Re: question about version 10.12

      Thanks CarbonTerry. I downloaded the 10.12 and installed it.
      Guess what? It worked..........kind of, and kind of not.
      All my images are gone. The backgrounds are there and the text I had inserted are there................but all the pictures say "image not found".

      Anyone have any ideas?

      S. Kramer


      • CarbonTerry
        Major General

        • Oct 2005
        • 2620

        Re: question about version 10.12

        Have you moved your images/folder location?
        Of course you did. You had a hard drive crash and the images are gone or moved or the path to the images has changed.
        A complete back up of your BlueVoda folder would have prevented this.
        The images are still on the server and the pages will show OK.
        Semper Fi
        Still green...still mean......just not as lean

        Red Hawk Archery
        Zone 5 Photo
        My USMC


        • dancersk

          • Aug 2006
          • 24

          Re: question about version 10.12

          This is all so confusing. I downloaded a full backup of my website to my computer using the backup wizard. How do I use it to bring the images back to my BlueVoda website builder? It looks to me like the only thing I can do is find all my images back and rebuild the website...........or copy the pictures from the website that is online and paste them into the blank spaces (if that is even possible).


          • CarbonTerry
            Major General

            • Oct 2005
            • 2620

            Re: question about version 10.12

            Was your backup on the same hard drive that crashed? Backup's of your BV folder should be kept on a CD/DVD, external drive, or an online storage system.
            Perhaps you have made a backup from the server on your hard drive after the crash?
            Semper Fi
            Still green...still mean......just not as lean

            Red Hawk Archery
            Zone 5 Photo
            My USMC


            • dancersk

              • Aug 2006
              • 24

              Re: question about version 10.12

              The backup was on the new hard drive and it was made using the backup wizard on the BlueVoda control panel and it was also saved to an external hard drive. I thought I could use it to bring the images back for the website. It came as a zip file. I haven't used Winzip but a couple of times so there is alot about it that I don't know, which maybe is my problem.
              When I unzip that file with Winzip, it asks me if I want Winzip to open the files and put them in a temp folder. There are no other options of where to put the files. After they are unzipped, I can't find them!!
              It says they are in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local~1\Temp\backup 7.1 2008 21-22......
              When I go to find them I can only get as far as the "Owner" file. There is no "local~1" folder to open.
              I suppose everyone else in the world knows what that is, but I don't.
              I would get to them and use them IF I COULD FIND THEM!

              I think I'm about ready to just trash the website and forget it.

              Thanks for all your help. You are very kind .......... and patient.



              • CarbonTerry
                Major General

                • Oct 2005
                • 2620

                Re: question about version 10.12

                Don't give up !!!! Are you using Vista or XP ?
                Is there a way to simply open the zip file to view the files?
                You can send it to me and I'll try to figure it out. trw @ zone5pix .com (delete spaces)
                When speaking of a backup, I am talking about you BV folder also.
                Semper Fi
                Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                Red Hawk Archery
                Zone 5 Photo
                My USMC

