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  • Grumpy68

    • Apr 2008
    • 12


    Hi all: I am making my pages on my site 995 wide. I have published most of them already. My problem is the home page is good, automotive is not so good,it is to the right. Bath & Body, First two pages are good the third page is not so good, it is to the right again. All the pages are ticked "center in broswer". I have been trying to figure this out for two days and I am lost. Can someone please help me out. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. is the site.

    Thanks in advance.

    Regards, Chuck

    These are not the only pages like that. Still a work in progress. Also am still working on it.
  • Tom Finley
    Brigadier General

    • Mar 2008
    • 1303

    Re: Publishing

    Hi, Chuck

    Not much help here, but something I noticed that might put you or someone on the scent: When I click to go to the offending pages, for a split second they each try to load in the middle, but then they pop to the right. Clicking a link to go back to your home page, the page actually attempts to load in the center, pops to the right, then pops back to the center! All in a split second.

    I'm thinking there must be some extra box checked in BV for these pages or something like that, but I don't know what it'd be. (Assuming you're using BV.)

    You are building all these pages flush left and flush to the top on your BV window, aren't you? Be sure to do that, then lock everything, then make sure the "center in browser" box is checked. Children's Ministry resources
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