Headers and sub Headers

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  • BCFC

    • Jun 2008
    • 18

    Headers and sub Headers

    Hi, SOrry for my ignorance.....am pretty new to all this...but what the hell is a 'header and sub header'............is that the title and sub title on your web page or the first words written? and do we just write them or is there something special we have to do?

    Any help would be great.............and again sorry for ignorance

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Headers and sub Headers

    Try a Forum Search to find the many threads for each that provide a basis for a broad understanding you can actually use to your advantage! (Has been discussed innumerable times from various perspectives)

    Searching the Forums is a good practice to develop to find solutions and clarifications whenever necessary (no need to wait), as they often illustrate many different outlooks and approaches to fit your particular issues.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • BCFC

      • Jun 2008
      • 18

      Re: Headers and sub Headers

      thanks vasili............are header and sub header tags important with seo these days or not so?


      • Lcoisas

        • May 2007
        • 314

        Re: Headers and sub Headers

        Hi BCFC,

        Bethers has something that can clear your doubts.

        Check it out!
        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        Leaf Tea & Acessories
        Gift Baskets, Flowers and Party Favors for all occasions
        Richmond, VA


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Headers and sub Headers

          Originally posted by BCFC View Post
          thanks vasili............are header and sub header tags important with seo these days or not so?
          Yes, as with all META Data .... (not just the "Basics" as introduced in Beth's primer) .... everything from the obvious Page Title, Key Words, Page Description, Author, H-Meta Tags, but also image titles, image and object ALT Tag info, link and navigational strategies, net-wise content development and article writing, WWW relevancy building, and perfectly composed relevancy of all those elements woven together with Content.

          Might seem daunting, but is merely a patient exercise in discipline to do everything by the numbers: attain the Perfect Page construct and detailed META-Data to achieve the best results.

          The "Header" in the old days used to be stricly textual, but now it is usually an image (a logo, theme, or series of "objects" assembled to create an overal identifying 'look') combined with layered text in most builds: since straight text is "read" by bots and Search Engines, they were always cached irregardless of the immediate value and how they "fit" into the relevancy, passing over the "unreadble" images. This is why if using a graphical element in yur Header, you should enhance the value by dutifully filling out the ALT Tags, keeping them complimentary to any text that might be a part of the Header.

          "Sub-Headers" are confused with both text placed under an image and with H-Meta, but since the evolution of website building, they have been pretty much referring to H-Meta development (a method of "pre-optimizing" textual Page Content) There is a thread here in VodaTalk that spells that out for you...

          But, rather than lean on outdated information or just a few threads, you really should do a Forum Search to pull up the many threads that approach the very large subject from different angles, especially when it comes to particular methods using Blue Voda.
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • BCFC

            • Jun 2008
            • 18

            Re: Headers and sub Headers

            thanks again will read all............are there any video tutorials on how to put headers and other tags on your pages?


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: Headers and sub Headers

              Originally posted by BCFC View Post
              thanks again will read all............are there any video tutorials on how to put headers and other tags on your pages?
              Since it is such a simple (but somewhat tedious) process, and given Blue Voda's singular methodology, the thread above is detailed quite sufficiently for you to grasp the concept and use it immediately ... so, no, there are no video Tutorials.
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *

