Blog and forums

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  • kachano
    Second Lieutenant

    • Mar 2007
    • 107

    Blog and forums

    Hi VH members,

    I was wondering if there's any way I can get the "latest blogs" and "forum threads" on the index page of my website automatically. I do them manually at the moment and honestly speaking it's way too tiring.

    I want the latest blog and forum threads to be displayed on the right side column under "LATEST DISCUSSIONS" and "LATEST - THE CONFAB BLOG". Have a look here

    How do I go about it if there's any way to do it?

    I thank you in advance for your help.

    Thanks VH!
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Blog and forums

    The only logical way to do this (dynamically populate a BV-created web page with current "items") is to present them using a "Digest" feed, similar to RSS node that you use on other webpage foundations to receive an RSS feed of say, News Headlines (in this case, it would be the most recent posts on your blog or forum, which naturally 'present' on your main page).
    Think of it as if you are creating an RSS feed of your Blog or Forum to be fed to your Blue Voda site.

    Go here and create what is called a Digest.
    Using this utility, it will create a code you can paste into a regular "HTML Box" in Blue Voda to make the feeds appear once the page is previewed or published (an action the script performs for you). And that is the key: by creating a digest, which is linked to your BV page, the origin site is actually "read" and then "reported" giving you the results you want to see.

    If anyone has a better way, let me know, because this can be somewhat of a complicated process for most beginner Users!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • kachano
      Second Lieutenant

      • Mar 2007
      • 107

      Re: Blog and forums

      Thank you so much for the help, Visili. I'm going to spend the weekend working on it.

      Once again thanks very much for the help. I'll let you know when I am done.

      Kachano :)
      Thanks VH!


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Blog and forums

        Glad to be of help! Show us what you can do!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • kachano
          Second Lieutenant

          • Mar 2007
          • 107

          Re: Blog and forums

          Hello Vasili,

          Here's what I have done over the weekend. It wasn't as hard as I first thought. I chose/prefer simple text than having the templates displayed in the side bar.

          Please have a look at the under heading "Latest - The Confab Forums" and "Latest - The Confab Blog" and let me know if it is ok. :)

          Once again thanks very much for the support/help. I would treat you beer if you were here in Thailand. :)
          Thanks VH!

