New to using Blue Voda and have a few Q's

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  • ksow45

    • Sep 2008
    • 1

    New to using Blue Voda and have a few Q's

    All right I'm not sure if this the right section of the forum to post this so I'm sorry if it is.

    I have started working on a site through the bv website builder and i like it so far but have some questions about it before i go to far.

    I want to create a baseball website that has a message board and I want to know is there anyway on bluevoda to create a message board for the site? If not is there like a message board creating website that I can add to my website.

    also people can join the website right? and then create themselves profiles?

    Is there an article manager there that will archive my articles or will i just have to edit my front page every time I want a new article.

    and finally i have a domain registered on ******* but i hated their website builder so i am able to put it on bv website right?

    All right thanks for any help
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: New to using Blue Voda and have a few Q's

    1. You can use the built in guestbook (customizing the options a bit) ti use it as a message board. Or find such a script in the net and embed it in your BV pagea.
    2. You will need a script for this. Not a simple login script (which allows them to create accounts, but doen't allow them to create profile pages) but a dedicated one or a custom one. If it is custom (i've built tenths of them) it can be embedded in BV
    3. There is Wordpres, available and autoinstallable through Fantastico, in your control panel. However, also this one can't work INSIDE BV. You could, probably, find a solution using an Iframe to get Wordpress to display the articles in your page.
    4. You can use the domain name registered elsewhere with your VodaHost account. Just change your name servers (DNS) to point to the nameserver VH provided you with when (if) you purchased your hosting account.
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