Page Size

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  • karenwms63

    • Feb 2008
    • 865

    Page Size

    Not to be a spoil sport, but...take a step in time towards the future...
    Portable world...exaggerated but with the right intent...the future will be portable...maybe less width is better? At least until the common internet surfer can have access to the new wave of software...times are changing. Star Trek is one man's version of future communication...What does your tricorder look like?

    800px width is really looking good to me these days for ecommerce. And the trend of bigger monitors is really for the visually impaired, think...

    I have seen software that makes picture weight not an issue...that cosmically transforms this aspect of page building.

    The bottle has been popped, and the genie is out...

    So back to the is advisable to keep your site at an 800px width for universal use, right now. If you are ONLY concerned with what you see on your monitor (and this includes your buddies on a pc)...then you are missing the big picture.

    You want your site to be part of your user's world, why not make it fit...with their ims, their music, their life...don't you want to be on their desktop? Think...
    Karen Williams
    Your Belief is Your Reality
  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Re: Page Size

    Hi, remember that the screen resolution is a more important thing to worry about. Usually best to have a look around the net at what the big sites are doing. I personal agree with you at the 800 mark only in the fact that it also leads your eye to a central area of the screen.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • karenwms63

      • Feb 2008
      • 865

      Re: Page Size

      Originally posted by Collectors-info View Post
      I personal agree with you at the 800 mark only in the fact that it also leads your eye to a central area of the screen.
      Exactly...isn't the viewer the mark? Isn't the user the one you want to manipulate on your site?

      Or am I the one who is lost?
      Karen Williams
      Your Belief is Your Reality


      • Sunchaser
        First Lieutenant

        • Nov 2007
        • 199

        Re: Page Size

        I was kind of hoping for virtual monitors in the future Karen - no physical screens at all. Holographic even.
        And by then, BV version 20.0 will have a fluid width feature :)


        • Marincky

          • Apr 2006
          • 4539

          Re: Page Size

          Originally posted by Sunchaser View Post
          BV version 20.0 will have a fluid width feature :)
          I'll drink to that
          Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


          • Bethers
            Major General & Forum Moderator

            • Feb 2006
            • 5224

            Re: Page Size

            I have found that using 1000 width has not hurt me on any of the ecommerce stores that I have. I do not intend to go back to 800. Even yahoo and some of the others have beta tested and moved on to 1000 on many of their windows today.

            Yes, I can and do surf using my cell phone - and I have no problem with this width. However, I do not believe in going up much from that.

            This wanting to stay at 800 sounds much like in my early days on line when people wanted to not move up from 600 - which is now pretty much obsolete. I disagree with moving "back from the future" because of the handhelds, etc - the handhelds will keep up, in most cases, with the technology advances we are making.

            That said, I ALWAYS consider my customer first and foremost. And very few of my customers need me to build at 800 width.

            However, I'm not a big fan of fluid templates as I once was - after discovering that sometimes I don't like how that appears when it changes width from screen to screen - and I don't have as much control there.
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics


            • narobe
              First Lieutenant

              • Apr 2006
              • 182

              Re: Page Size

              The big sites are using javascript to make their pages fit exactlly to what ever monitor or browser size your on.


              • narobe
                First Lieutenant

                • Apr 2006
                • 182

                Re: Page Size

                Here is some basic code to force the browser size to open to your page size, test it out:
                In the <head> section
                function changeScreenSize(w,h)
                window.resizeTo( w,h )
                </script>In the <body> tag
                <body onload="changeScreenSize(800,600)">Like I mentioned before it's basic. The big sites make the browser size and all the content adapt itself to your screen size.I think the understand perfectly the concept or being part of the "user's world".


                • narobe
                  First Lieutenant

                  • Apr 2006
                  • 182

                  Re: Page Size

                  You can also try (100&#37;,100%) instead of (800,600)= most BV users page size.


                  • Bethers
                    Major General & Forum Moderator

                    • Feb 2006
                    • 5224

                    Re: Page Size

                    Narobe, that's what I meant by fluid - and it is not being used by all the "big sites" - most of them do not have fluid sites - because they are finding that fluid sites do not look the same on every computer - and sometimes stretching ruins the effect they need or want.

                    That said - there are times to use it - but it is not necessarily the most user friendly or all the "big sites" as you want to claim, would be using it.
                    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                    SEO and Marketing Tools
                    SEO - The Basics

