Urgent advice re transferring files please

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  • clarrisa

    • Aug 2006
    • 31

    Urgent advice re transferring files please

    Hi Voda Gurus, I am desperately seeking advice.

    I am selling my BlueVoda website but I am having a major headache with transferring all the necessary files to another computer without any elements missing. The new owner has already downloaded BlueVoda, so all the programme files are in situ and I have copied all my site related files to a disk.

    When I open the files directly from the disk on my computer everything is perfect, HOWEVER when I put the disk into the other machine, there are a number of images missing.

    I am inclined to be a teensy bit dense at times but surely, if the images are on the disk at my end, where the heck are they when the files are loaded into the new owners machine?

    Any help very muchly appreciated as always

  • davidundalicia

    • Mar 2006
    • 6294

    Re: Urgent advice re transferring files please

    A posible problem is that the BV pages have linked the images to a path on YOUR computer and when transfered end up in a different place on your clients computer.
    The images are there, they just need to be relinked.
    Have fun
    Regards..... David

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    • jacobhebert
      Staff Sergeant

      • Jan 2008
      • 44

      Re: Urgent advice re transferring files please

      Generally, even if you put your bluevoda file folders in the exact same place on someone else's computers, the file path will still be different on computer #2 unless the person happens to have the same exact username on their computer (windows login name, not bluevoda)

      For example:
      Computer1: "c:/Documents and Settings/computer1/My Documents/Bluevoda/images/picture.jpg
      Computer2: "c:/Documents and Settings/computer2/My Documents/Bluevoda/images/picture.jpg

      So even if you were careful to make sure you put everything in the "same" place, it won't technically be the same place unless you both have the same names by coincidence...

      So the only thing I know of that you could do is double click on every image on every page and browse to the correct file on the new computer... but this is one of the downfalls of bluevoda, unless you change your default folder before you start creating the site to something that isn't based on your username...

      ALSO, just so you know, even though the files are missing, any changes made to the site shouldn't cause any problems to the published site, because the images are already in your root directory online, so the only real effect is what you see in bluevoda/or when you preview.
      Jacob Hebert
      Lake Conroe Real Estate


      • davidundalicia

        • Mar 2006
        • 6294

        Re: Urgent advice re transferring files please

        Thats not a downfall of Bluevoda, that applies to any program that is moved to another computer.
        Have fun
        Regards..... David

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        • jacobhebert
          Staff Sergeant

          • Jan 2008
          • 44

          Re: Urgent advice re transferring files please

          Correct, it's a downfall of any program with file path specific references where the images, etc. aren't stored in the actual file, I certainly wasn't complaining about BV, because it can do just about anything you'll ever need.

          The only way to avoid this in the future, is to set your default folder in the BV options to somewhere that will be the same on any other computer. Ex. C:\Bluevoda. However, you have to do this before you start building the site, because the image references will stay the same no matter what you change your default folder to.

          (I just had to reinstall BV a few times over the last couple days and it looks like they might have made these changes in recent updates for any new users anyway, because I noticed that a Bluevoda folder was created under my C:)
          Jacob Hebert
          Lake Conroe Real Estate


          • clarrisa

            • Aug 2006
            • 31

            Re: Urgent advice re transferring files please

            Thank you so much for the advice guys, you have given me other avenues to explore (although my site is roughly 250 pages and if I have to republish all pages to re-link the missing images it'll be like exploring the Amazon!!).

            I'm really hoping that the images are in the root directory, as you suggested so won't make any difference when the pages are changed in the future.

            Here goes.......!


