Well just because YOU put it there doesnt mean thats what you are optimized for... and you arent optimized.
Your keywords are much too vague and your description is inaccurate as well. Description should be a short ad for your site.. what you do what you offer. Not a list of keywords...
Your keywords should be more like your description.. phrases that people might actually LOOK up on the internet.
<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="investigators,investigations,process server,surveillance,backgrounds,locate people,infidelity, adultry,child custody,divorce,loss prevention,insurance claims,hidden cameras,document retrieval,private investigators, detective,central texas,pi,missing person,a closer look si,licensed investigators,">
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Central Texas Private Investigators Backgrounds Missing people PI Surveillance Licensed Ifidelity Child Custody Detective Process Serve Divorce Loss Prevention Document Retrieval Cheating Spouse">
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Central Texas Private Investigators Backgrounds Missing people PI Surveillance Licensed Ifidelity Child Custody Detective Process Serve Divorce Loss Prevention Document Retrieval Cheating Spouse">
Your keywords should be more like your description.. phrases that people might actually LOOK up on the internet.