text highlighted, Web page size

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  • mindbedner

    • Jan 2009
    • 29

    text highlighted, Web page size

    Two questions:
    1. When using text, if I highlight it to change the font characteristics, the text then shows highlighting when I print preview the text. I also notice that the text is highligthed when I double click inside the text window. I can't figure out how to not have it highlight. My background is black. I tried making the highlight color black but it it still shows up white. I can't see where to turn the highlighting off or how to get rid of it. Please help.

    2. I set my web page properties to have a size of 800 width and 600 height and I checked the box to center the page in browser. When print previewing, there's a scroll bar at the bottom of my screen and my page goes off the screen to the right a little bit. I don't really know what size I should make the page or why the page is going to the right leaving a blank area to the left of the screen. Can you help me correct this so the page is the correct size and pops up within the screen area. What size should the page be so people can print my page onto letter size paper?

    I've had great help in this forum before - thank you.
  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: text highlighted, Web page size

    To view your page you do not use print preview, that will only show you what you have on your screen at the time (highlighted text and all) you use the preview button (the one at the top with the magnafying glass).
    I am a bit confused about what you mean by turning the highlight off, I think what you are trying to do is change the font color. To do this you highlight the text and in the text properties (the buttons near the top of the page, font, size, bold, color) change it to what you want. Then PREVIEW the page as I stated earlier.
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    • mindbedner

      • Jan 2009
      • 29

      Re: text highlighted, Web page size

      1. Sorry, preview button. That is the button I'm selecting to preview my work. But I'm seeing my whitte text highlighted white and I don't want it highlighted. Font color is not my question.

      2. Still needing help with the page size properties too. (See original question #2)

      thank you


      • D'son
        Major General

        • Apr 2008
        • 2577

        Re: text highlighted, Web page size

        Ok your talking about the back ground in the text box, click the text box, right click on it click properties. Here you can change the background, I set it to automatic if I want it to be the same as the page back ground.

        As for the page size I set all mine to 980 wide (the length will depend on your layout) depending on the size of your monitor you may have some side scroll but this is the best setting to accomidate most monitors. Just make sure you are clicking on a blank area of the page to set these and choosing page properties and not an element.
        How to add JAlbum to your site


        • mindbedner

          • Jan 2009
          • 29

          Re: text highlighted, Web page size

          1. I've tried that already in the text properties. I right clicked, chose automatic for the background. But if I double click in the text window, or preview, I still see what appears to be a highlight over the text. The text is white and the highlight is white.

          One clue: If I want to edit the text, I have to click on the white highlight at the end of the text and drag back to the beginning of the text and the highlight is removed where I then see the blue highlighting behind over the text where I can then edit the text. But when I return back to the text window, the white highlight is still there.

          Another clue: When I created the text window, I pasted the text in from a .doc file. It wasn't highlighted there, but that seems to be when I have the problem. If I just ype in text, I don't have the highlight problem until I highlight all the text to modify the font, then it appears. I'm stumped.

          2. Page size question solved, thank you.


          • Tom Finley
            Brigadier General

            • Mar 2008
            • 1303

            Re: text highlighted, Web page size

            Never use Word to create text for your site. It adds hidden format codes that confuse things. If I ever use Word, I copy and paste that to Notepad, then copy and paste from Notepad to my BV text box. That strips out all the codes. Of course, it also removes all font formatting and whatnot, so you use BV to put it right.
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            • mindbedner

              • Jan 2009
              • 29

              Re: text highlighted, Web page size

              Good advice on using "Notepad, never WORD". Thank you. I changed that. I'm finding that exactly when I get the highlight problem is when I set the text style to either bold or italic. Then when I go back to the text window and double click or do a preview, that is when any text under that style is white highlighted, even when the background properties reads automatic. If I change the background to a specific color, I still get the white highlighting.

              This all happens whether I paste in notepad text or type in text.

              Now what?


              • D'son
                Major General

                • Apr 2008
                • 2577

                Re: text highlighted, Web page size

                How about a link to your web site so we can see what you are talking about.
                How to add JAlbum to your site


                • mindbedner

                  • Jan 2009
                  • 29

                  Re: text highlighted, Web page size

                  Not sure how to let you link to my website. I haven't published (or whatever you call that) my site to the web yet. I'm still in the production mode.

                  What do you suggest?


                  • D'son
                    Major General

                    • Apr 2008
                    • 2577

                    Re: text highlighted, Web page size

                    Do you have an account with VodaHost? If so you could still publish the page (do not save it as index, save it as test1 or something) publish it then when you give the link format it this way
                    Then we can see what you are talking about.
                    No one that goes to your site will see the page if they just type in your URL.
                    How to add JAlbum to your site


                    • mindbedner

                      • Jan 2009
                      • 29

                      Re: text highlighted, Web page size

                      I'm back with this question.
                      Some of the text (white color) in some of my pages have a white highlight causing the text to not be able to be seen. The highlight shows in my .bvp files too and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.

                      I published all my pages. If you go to my website, you'll see what I mean. www.MindBenderArchitects.com
                      You can refer to the following pages:
                      1. Residential portfolio
                      2. Commercial Portfolio
                      3. Firm Profile
                      4. Personnel
                      5. Contact Us

                      What do I do to get rid of the highlighting?

