newly publishe pages issues

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  • mindbedner

    • Jan 2009
    • 29

    newly publishe pages issues

    I've published my pages and have the issues listed below:
    You can view the issues on my website

    1. On the "Commercial Portfolio" page, when you click on the left photo, it's supposed to link to another page with more photos. I get the following error message. What do I do to fix this?
    Not Found

    The requested URL /secondstreet.html was not found on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    2. Related to issue #1, when this error message first appeared, I thought it might be because the .bvp file name I linked it to (120.bvp) may not have worked because it was named with numbers. So I renamed the file to "secondstreet.bvp". Then I publishes that page but got the same error message. My question is, I have the page named "120" still out there somewhere but it's not linked to anything anymore. Should I do something to remove it?

    3. On the "Firm Profile" page, there's an eroneous text at the bottom reading "Before reclaimed". It showed on my .bvp file so I erased it and republished the page. But it's still showing up. I've republished some other pages and they worked so I'm assuming it's o.k. to republish. Am I correct? What should I do?

    4. On the "Contact Us" page, I tried the Guestbook feature, but it's reading a stat failure message. What do I need to do there?

    Thank you
  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: newly publishe pages issues

    The easiest way to find missing pages is to look in your control panel/file manager. Locate the page and copy the exact name and extension, if the page is in your public_html folder then you just have to get your links right. If its not there you forgot to publish it. As for the name you can name it anything you want.

    Your firm profile page came up not found also, check your links.

    Need a link to the contact page to see, again the link does not work.
    How to add JAlbum to your site

