can I resize a logo?

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  • mark6110

    • May 2006
    • 261

    can I resize a logo?

    Hi Guys,
    I have just made a new logo for one of our sites, lorissecrets and we like it a lot. However the page weight is telling me it is over 50kbs, almost half the page size!
    Is there any way I can reduce the size without losing too much of the detail.
    I can't pull it into pix resizer or photoshop.
    Thanks for your time.
    Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
    Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain
  • Watdaflip
    Major General

    • Sep 2005
    • 2116

    Re: can I resize a logo?

    50kb isn't terribly bad, especially if its a large logo.

    What file type is it saved as?
    With photoshop you can do things like making the color mode indexed, reducing the quality if its a jpg.

    What do you mean you can't pull it into pix resizer or photoshop? If you mean that a file of its format can't be opened in either then your not going to be able to use it on a website as I browser also won't be able to display it.

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    • mark6110

      • May 2006
      • 261

      Re: can I resize a logo?

      Hi Watdaflip,
      thanks for thaking the time.
      The logo is a png file. and altough photoshop & pix can´t find it in my BV files. It is already on my site. It is BV made logo
      I may have figured out a solution - I wanted to use it as a headed on our letterheaded paper, so I copied it from the live site and saved it to desktop. It has saved as a jpeg and I was able to import it into photoshop.
      I'll try pix next.
      Thanks again for the help.
      Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
      Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


      • Watdaflip
        Major General

        • Sep 2005
        • 2116

        Re: can I resize a logo?

        If its a png file I would keep it saved as that unless you know that it doesn't have use any transparency or opacity. jpg's won't save that information and it will be lost.

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