small template prob

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  • geo877

    • Feb 2006
    • 2

    small template prob

    hello i have downloaded a template off the internet and it is not a bluevoda template. using the custom html i can sort of get the ttemplate up but it dosnt work at all... what can i do?
  • Girlonthehill

    • Oct 2005
    • 4193

    Re: small template prob

    Unsure - but would it not be easier to make your own that looks a bit like it? It's so easy to do in BV. Also - have you had a look at the FREE VodaHost templats that DO work with BlueVoda?


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    • Watdaflip
      Major General

      • Sep 2005
      • 2116

      Re: small template prob

      Depending on how the template was made, it might be somewhat difficult to edit with bluevoda. If the template uses tables with multiple cells to position the images, bluevoda will probably have some trouble. Whenever you insert something with bluevoda it uses a position on a x,y coordinates. I wouldn't think the two different methods would work very well with eachother. If im not mistaken bluevoda is only really meant to make things from scratch or editing pages made with it.

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      • highlander

        • Dec 2005
        • 20

        Re: small template prob

        I am trying to find out how to put a table (or 3) on my website. Something preferably with a scrollbar. Bluevody always asks for a URL but the links I have to add are not URL's. Is there any way of adding the links as text (but something you can still click on as a link?)

