Webpage size

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  • lkgoya

    • Jul 2009
    • 1

    Webpage size

    What is the normal page size for a webpage? On Page Properties, it says the page width is 1199, height 631. But the margins end at 800 width, and 600 height and are not the same numbers as stated on Page Properties. What's the normal size for a webpage? To reset it, would I simply change the numbers in the Page Properties box?

    Thank you for your help. Sorry if dumb question.
  • Tom Finley
    Brigadier General

    • Mar 2008
    • 1303

    Re: Webpage size

    Most of us here recommend about 985 or less--that will give the majority of people viewing your site a good-size page that doesn't require side-scrolling to see both sides. The length can be anything, but should probably be set just a bit longer than the lowest object on your page. Just change the property numbers.
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