""BRAVO"" to VodaHost and BlueVoda!

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  • Elegance Reclaimed

    • Jul 2009
    • 26

    ""BRAVO"" to VodaHost and BlueVoda!

    · Are there a limited number of pages allowed?
    · I am using a drop-down menu instead of navigation, so other the only thing that will appear on my www. (other than when selection in the dropdown menu is clicked on). How do I do this? I take it that the other pages need to be published, but how to I keep them hidden unless selected in the dropdown?

    Comment: last night I almost burst into tears out of frustration, this morning when I woke (told myself “now girl, take this one step at a time”) and little by little I am gaining some understanding a wee-bit at a time; I like this service more and more, the more I become used to it…

    While reading some of the posts, I laugh out loud with the comments others have made, and I can surely relate, BUT newbies please know… with persistence the fog does lift.

    It’s is like learning anything from scratch, like learning to tie your shoelaces, just keep at it and you’ll get it. And lots of help here to… Some day I will be able to answer instead of just ask.

    I’ve got my page mostly the way I want it, now my next step is the Domain work.

    "BRAVO" VodaHost and BlueVoda, your service and tutorials are fantastic!!!

    Elegance Reclaimed