banner making problem

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  • sanio01

    • Aug 2009
    • 25

    banner making problem

    Hi there! I wrote on a glass button then I linked like this and I tried to add this link on another site for advertising but it doesnt show up just an "x" however if I click on it it comes up the website. What should I do? I cant use the glass button as a banner? Thanks
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: banner making problem

    Using a glass button as a banner advertisement is fine, but you are completely confused on how to link between the sites.

    It is one thing to embed a link in your own site into a glass button, and another to distribute a glass button as a type of banner advertising with a link "included" ... can't be done like that --- the link will need to be manaully coded for the button by whomever is responsible for placing the image on that site.

    However, if you are "uploading" you banner yourself, say to a forum or blog, then follow the instructions on how to load images to that site, and then yourself hyperlink that image (after highlighting) and enter the proper link to create specific traffic to whatever page you desire.

    Now ... if you are using HTML code to have an image self-populate with the link pre-established (as is done in nearly all affiliate marketing), then you will need to write that HTML code properly and then install that HTML code onto the web page ---- in Blue Voda this is done by pasting the HTML code into a 'HTML Box' which can then be positioned and sized accordingly. Other websites use different methods, all according to how they were created.

    Looking into your question deeper, I get the feeling you are finding linking something of a challenge by itself, so you may wish to review some of the Tutorials to "lock down the logic" to provide the confidence and versatile understanding you seem to need ..... the link you offered above ( is not a valid link at all -- it goes nowhere, since there is no "banner" page published to your account (which is not a VodaHost account either, by the way). You either need to publish a "banner" page so it can be found, or if you are trying to simply link to your site when people click on the glass button, it is just and if you want them to arrive at a specific page of you website, THEN it looks like

    And, last but not least ... IF you are using a large glass button as a header to your Blue Voda created website and want to use the hyperlinked "header" to return Visitors to your "Home" page, then simply enter the link as for this will return visitors to your Index page normally.
    (Assuming you figured out how to enter the link into a button using the tools provided)
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

