webiste uploading slow

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  • demyan
    First Sergeant

    • Jul 2009
    • 72

    webiste uploading slow

    hi ,

    my website is ploading slow ,

    i tried from diffrent computers .same problem

    whats the solution?

    the adress is : www.lifewave4ever.com
  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Re: webiste uploading slow

    Be worth checking your ISP, seems to load at my end ok, & my connection is not that great. But some things wont help like lots of images on pages. IE: http://www.lifewave4ever.com/lifewaveproducts.html has a lot of images with text that the SE's wont be able to see.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


    House build project


    • ahimsa
      Major General

      • Jan 2009
      • 2184

      Re: webiste uploading slow

      Your site is loading OK for me on FF BUT you have some serious spelling/grammar mistakes that need correcting fast!!
      I haven't had time yet to go through the whole site & I see a lot of your text is taken from elsewhere and is OK BUT:

      Home: You really can't stop an idea whose time has come
      Modern science cutting of the edge called ****-technology relying on
      the most ancient chinese wisdom of the acupuncture points
      Change to: Modern cutting-edge science
      called ****-technology relies on the
      ancient Chinese knowledge of Acupuncture points.

      Take a look at the video

      About Lifewave: Your text "Science meets..." does not fit the box & it's
      om" not "Wisodm"!! (OK, just a typo - but be careful!)
      The text in the box next to the video should read:
      Watch the Philippines TV interviews with Lifewave's
      David Schmidt"

      To mention but a few! If you're going to have an English language website aimed at English speaking customers whom you would like to buy a "new" & maybe "revolutionary" product you're going to HAVE TO use correct language - sorry, but it is so.

      Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!

