Need help finding and removing old pages

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  • Moosh89

    • Feb 2007
    • 39

    Need help finding and removing old pages


    I have a website for a pony racing club that I started in 2006, We had a house fire in 2008 and I lost my computer I had the site files saved on. I also didn't work with the site for quite some time and am just now starting to redo it, but I've forgotten everything I knew, so I'm a newbie again.

    When posting show results I would make them their own page called (for example -->) and the next year another page called "cherrygrove2008" and so on for each show, but I no longer want them online. I took off all links to all the pages on my site, but if the address to the pages is typed into the address bar they still come up.

    I did a forum search first before posting this and all the topics said to go to the FTP Manager in BV and connect and find the pages in the list and simply delete them, but I cannot find them.

    When in my FTP Manager,on the left I have a list of my pages I have saved on my new computer, I wish to keep these pages, they are still good to me. On the right side of my screen is another list, which is very long, mostly of images, literally hundreds of them. I recognise some of them as being images I have added to the pages I do not want anymore.

    Is there some way I can see ONLY the pages that are on my domain name?? I can't remember the addresses of all the pages I wish to remove, but If I could see them on a list or something I would know if they're ones I want to remove.

    And finally if there is a way to do this, can you please tell me step by step how to get there and how to do it? Thank you!
  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

    Yes, log into your control panel, file manager and there are all your files that on the server. Then you can simply delete the ones you don't want.
    How to add JAlbum to your site


    • TheLink
      Second Lieutenant

      • Apr 2009
      • 126

      Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

      Originally posted by D'son View Post
      Yes, log into your control panel, file manager and there are all your files that on the server. Then you can simply delete the ones you don't want.

      I actually just did this yesterday from cPanel. I too had literally 100's if not nearly a thousand .gif and .png images. Most of these are just shapes you have created on your BV pages.

      For example, every shape of every box that you have ever published on your site is an "image" and stored in the file manager as such. Even if you then delete the box at a later stage, the published image stays in your cPanel.

      I went through and deleted over 600 "images" and all the old web pages that I no longer want. Its a time consuming process but its the only way to permanantly remove from the world wide web.

      The easiest way to know what your deleting before you delete it is to preview it. exmaple:

      If your image is bv23456.gif then type in the url and you will see what the image is. Obviously you don't want to check 600 individual images.

      The one thing I did notice when I was doing mine is that the images are saved in order that they were created.

      The images in my cPanel images ranged from bv01061.gif (first image ever placed) to bv03839.gif (last image ever placed).

      Having re-created my website from scratch, I checked what the image name was of the very first box I had created which was bv03755 so i was pretty confident that all images prior to this could be deleted. I started of by deleting 50 at a time and just randomly checking the images to ensure I wasn't deleting anything I wanted to keep.

      The above can also be done for unwated pages.

      Its gonna take some time, I won't lie to you. I smoked an entire pack of ciggies completing this mission. But jeepers, cPanel sure does work alot quicker now that it doesnt have to open several thousand files!!!

      Hope this answers your question and helps. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

      Good luck.

      The Link Dental Personnel


      • Moosh89

        • Feb 2007
        • 39

        Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

        I'm not seeing the pages anywhere, just images

        the only pages I see are the ones I've recently created and want to keep

        The pages I want removed are not on my computer either, they were not created with this computer, but my old computer which I lost in the fire


        • TheLink
          Second Lieutenant

          • Apr 2009
          • 126

          Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

          Are the images the new ones or old ones from old website?

          My understanding is that your computer acts like the server to your website and all the pages within it. I don't know if the files, images and folders from cPanel are hard wired into your computer or not, if it was, I should imagine that you would loose access to the files when your lost your computer.

          Its a bit beyond my ametuer capabilities but just a passing thought and a complete shot in the dark.....perhaps you could try something like this:

          1. visit your od website online and make a note of the exact file extension names of the pages you no longer want. eg

          2. create just a blank page and save it as the name cats2 (or whatever your page is called)

          2. ensure you save it with the same .html or .php extension

          3. put into the page content something like "sorry, this page has been archived" and give them a link to your new website

          4. publish the page and test it

          It may just see it as your "old" page being republished with some changes.

          Its a shot in the dark, but try it with just one page and see how you go. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

          Probably be a bit time consuming but if it works.......??

          Otherwise, put in a support ticket.
          Last edited by TheLink; 02-11-2010, 08:33 AM. Reason: error made

          The Link Dental Personnel


          • Moosh89

            • Feb 2007
            • 39

            Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

            thanks for the help, but I can't remember all the addresses to the pages I want removed, theres quite a few, and its been awhile, maybe a support ticket will be my next step... I hate those haha


            • Moosh89

              • Feb 2007
              • 39

              Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

              Just thought I'd post an update, Thank you so SO much TheLink. I deleted hundreds of "bv0----.gif" images dated 2007 and 2008 and disconnected ad reconnected a few times and all my webpages I wanted removed started emerging. It ony took about 2 hours and all the pages I wanted gone are successfully gone!! :), Now, to update my site some more! ;)

              Thanks again!


              • sesh

                • Feb 2009
                • 23

                Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

                Hello everyone
                I have read the information in the forum and is there any file in my public/html folder that must remain.
                I have complete re-done the website and when I go live with it I would like to remove the old website from the directory.
                This will have two purposes, first it wont clog us disc space on the server with re-dundant files and secondly make using my file manager easer to use with just live files for my site.


                • zuriatman

                  • Sep 2006
                  • 3025

                  Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

                  You can use the FTP to delete all images .png, .jpg, .gif and .html files and all folders created by yourself.

                  Be careful with the other file extensions.
                  Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
                  State of Johor.



                  • CarbonTerry
                    Major General

                    • Oct 2005
                    • 2620

                    Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

                    Not sure how many pages you have to publish but a "Account Reset" support ticket would have wiped out everything in the public_html folder except mandatory files.
                    Then republish current pages.
                    Semper Fi
                    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                    Red Hawk Archery
                    Zone 5 Photo
                    My USMC


                    • sesh

                      • Feb 2009
                      • 23

                      Re: Need help finding and removing old pages

                      Thanks for the info.
                      These forums are great for dumb dumb like me. Great help and thanks , this is why I like BV.

