in site search engine

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  • shutzy

    • Feb 2010
    • 18

    in site search engine

    i would like to put a search engine in my website - -. the main reason is that the shop area of the site is quite extensive and my potential customers may get tired of scrolling through hundreds of images and descriptions. so my idea is that if i could put a search bar just like there is for the forums or just a basic word search then that would be great. i might be being picky but ive seen the google search bar and it opens in google. i would like it to stay on my website just like the one does here.

    all info will be good info.

    thanks in advance.
  • ahimsa
    Major General

    • Jan 2009
    • 2184

    Re: in site search engine

    ....this works quite well & it's free!!
    Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


    • shutzy

      • Feb 2010
      • 18

      Re: in site search engine

      ive tried what you suggested. the thing is i dont want anyone else controling what the search engine does. i like to be completely self sufficient and not rely on anyone else. you never know they might just retract the search engine and then ill be back to sq 1.

      is there another way or do blue voda supply something for this.


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: in site search engine

        Originally posted by shutzy View Post
        ive tried what you suggested. the thing is i dont want anyone else controling what the search engine does. i like to be completely self sufficient and not rely on anyone else. you never know they might just retract the search engine and then ill be back to sq 1.
        is there another way or do blue voda supply something for this.
        You are voicing unreasonable suspicions and fears due to the fact you do not understand the need you are describing nor the methodology required.

        Unless you create a website that is Database driven (so every element, every bit of Content is itself 'contained' as a separate item that can be given "attributes" that are the basis of caching or evaluation), you will need to apply a separate tool (script) to perform the function desired (to "read" and to assign values to every element to therefore identify the specific querry of the Search command). Blue Voda does not have the ability to incorporate such a script within the code it uses to create a website by 'compilation' (BV creates code -commands- in order to re-produce the pages in the manner written, which itself is a script acting on separate elements) since it is not Database-driven: it is recalling elements and engaging scripts stored in a single page File format.

        To illustrate this, almost all shopping carts are DB driven as a PHP script entirely: the 'pages' are not static (not really there), and are re-created for each page load (visit) according to the script that was written. The script follows the commands and identifying attributes to locate each individual element (the borders, color schemes, pictures, contant blocks, etc.) and then presents them in the position the overall file script commands they be placed. NOW ... since each element is stored individually in a DB to be recalled and has a specific place in each page's script, the main attributes themselves (tags, titles, etc.) are in fact also in the page script so they can be differentiated from one another and can be recalled precisely. Since the main page code itself now has the attributes "written in" any Search script can now merely 'read' the script to find relevant solutions to the original querry .... it does not have to pore over every single item to find what it is looking for.
        Since php/html code. scripts, and other streamlined constructs can be read extremely quickly as opposed to recalling the page to assemble to THEN ascertain the overall relevancy of how they might represent the best Search return (which not only takes MUCH more time and also opens the door to attributes scoring lower due to a poor page construct or slightly less than precise titles and such "fitting" into the overall relevancy of the page). "Freeing" the Search process to score elements in the fastest manner and from outside a Page Construct/Format (which may be less than ideal itself, and cause the elements to lose value) is the cleanest manner in which to provide an accurate Search process --- but this is only possible in the DB-driven scenario.

        If you can understand the above to represent the ideal Search methodology, then you should comprehend the allowances of how BV works: every element is "locked" within the static page format, which elevates the overall critical importance that each Page be precisely developed with regard to building it accurately (from no overlapping elements to each page being a perfect copy of each other to provide site-wide Relevancy -- thus the Clone function in BV for page foundations); that each Page be precisely "optimized" (Page Title to Content to Site, Key Words, Description, H-Tags in Content, etc. ALL being tightly construed within overall Relevancy); and each Element being properly prepared (with unique and 'value'-based Titles, etc. Remember, if you use the same image page to page, it should have a Title unique to the page you use it on). Once you have each Page tightly created, the need for an independent Search tool becomes obvious ..... because you need to have each Page "read" itself in order to have the elements valued within the framework of the Page FILE. *Thus also the lithmus test of your Page: if the minimum of Relevancy is not present, ANY Search script (they are all based on the Google standards) will score lower or reject completely the Page first, and thus diminish whatever elements and ranking that may be in that file.


        You can't have it both ways.
        Either you get the written-in Search functionality that is present in DB/coded sites like shopping carts, CMS, and even some SWisH/Flash sites, or you implement an independent function to compromise .... if you do your job right, your top-notch Pages will allow an independent script to produce better results on your site than what may be normally expected (and seen) on other websites that have not paid attention to detail nor understoood the concept overall to make a difference.

        If the script you used goes out of style or lacks upgrading, it is simple to replace it with another capable script with a few clicks. What's the big deal?

        Use on your Blue Voda site in confidence, and create that confidence knowing that you did your due diligence in preparing your Pages/site to produce the best Search results and Visitor Experience.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • shutzy

          • Feb 2010
          • 18

          Re: in site search engine


          that was a real eye opener. i suppose i must be a novice when it comes to site building. very good information. i have taken everything on board and thanks for your very indepth reply. suppose ill give it another try.


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: in site search engine

            Good Plan! I'm glad to have made a difference to you.

            Plan Your Work - Work Your Plan!

            ... and on we go!
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • navaldesign
              General & Forum Moderator

              • Oct 2005
              • 12080

              Re: in site search engine

              Actually there are quite a few scripts that will spider your site and index your content, allowing site search within the site itself.
              Most of them are paid for and range from $50 - $100.
              They store the index in a database in your own site, and display the search results in your own pages.

              Just an example:
              Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
              Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
     Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
              Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!

