Page elements out of place

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  • Paulinor

    • Jan 2008
    • 21

    Page elements out of place

    I've started using updated versions of BV (14) and IE (9) and now 3 pages in my site show elements misplaced in the page: - in this page the box with the photo is overlapping the bottom of the menu bar, hiding the tab “Contato” and - in these pages the same happens with the gray box with text “Cadastre-se…”, which is overlapping the bottom of menu bar.

    I've replaced these pages without success. I accessed the pages from different notebooks with different OS and browsers and the pages still appear crooked up. Can anyone help me with these fixes? Thanks.

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Page elements out of place

    Although it's good to see you have updated your browser to IE9, I wonder how you can be so advanced with using BV14 when there is only BV12.2 in distribution?

    There could be a couple of reasons your layout is not matching your published pages:

    1. Be sure you are publishing to the correct IP address, as many servers have been updated, and you may be looking at older page versions. A WHOIS lookup will provide current IP for your Domain. If your current IP is not in the BV Publish List, download a new version of BV over current version (do not delete BV from your computer, as this also deletes all your page files along with it).
    2. You may be having difficulty with the "Page Ordering" of elements (their positioning based on the 'order' of which 'layer' appears on the page. This is a common issue in BV12 with regard to dynamic Menus, and photo Gallery/Lightbox, all of which are vying for top position according to the 'z menu' in the browsers and how they render page displays. A possible solution may be to try one of these methods:
    ...A. Using PREVIEW, "proof" your layout according to the actual browser view rather than your BV Workpane view, making adjustments that makes no sense in your Workpane but that when viewed in PREVIEW (and ultimately online 'live') appear normal and as desired. Even iif the published display varies slightly from the Preview display, making additional adjustments is not that big of a deal since the process takes only a minute or two when using BV. Just be sure to SAVE each page after making each adjustment before publishing.
    ...B. Once you have "perfected" the actual rendered view using the step above, LOCK all page elements in your BV page, SAVE it as normal, and then re-PUBLISH it.
    3. You may wish also to re-Order the elements by using the COPY and PASTE icons (not the Commands), leaving your Menu on Top as should be -- whether or not your layout is proofed using PREVIEW or not.

    Try these methods and let us know the results!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • navaldesign
      General & Forum Moderator

      • Oct 2005
      • 12080

      Re: Page elements out of place

      Most probably the menu expands downwards more than what you see in your BV workspace, although I can't know why.
      Your solution at the moment is to lower furtherdown the image, and arrange the text below so that there is no overlapping.

      Since you have made extended use of the PHP Include method, it will be very hard to understand if the issue is due to the menu expanding or some css code (of some other element) affects it. If you wish, upload somewhere (so I can download it) the BV page that contains the menu.
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