fitting a website to entire screen

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  • local-shoppers

    • Dec 2008
    • 29

    fitting a website to entire screen

    How do you get a website to fit the entire width of a screen without having a white border on both sides? I have set the screen to 960 pixels wide which works pretty good on my 17" monitor but if I were to view it on a 15" monitor there would be horizontal scrolling. And on a 19" monitor there would be a white border on both sides of the site. I have designed over 100 sites in blue voda so I am really familiar with the program...this is the first time though, that I have ever thought to ask about this.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: fitting a website to entire screen

    Current standards based on the 16-Grid Model is 982 pixels maximum page width ....

    You are referring to a dynamic "Fluid" or "Stretched" template (one that automatically re-sizes according to Visitor's monitor resolution settings), and this is not something that BlueVoda can do nor accept as a plugin or script.

    You can, however, purchase a premium Template (as seen in this selection) to achieve this if you are comfortable working with HTML via Dreamweaver or a similar editor.

    * Be sure that your "client" sites are in their own hosting accounts, Michael, lest your account be summarily shut down without warning for violating VodaHost's Terms of Service prohibiting "reselling personal hosting" ... you account will be examined shortly!
    Another reason to explore VodaHost Reselling Accounts (even though you are unable to publish BlueVoda created pages in reseller accounts).
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

