How do I change the Default documentation folder location to an external drive?

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  • JARivera

    • Apr 2010
    • 2

    How do I change the Default documentation folder location to an external drive?

    After several month wiout a computer to work on my page I finally go me on that will do for now. Knowing the problems with lost DATA due to computer problems I did saved all my data in an external drive With the old (I think version 9) of BlueVoda, somehow I was able to save all my webpages data in the external drive. Today I did download the new version 12.5x and even it did get stuck installing at the very end with "...texture9.bmp", and had to terminate the installation, the program is working, at least it load up. However . . . I need to change the "Default" document folder to my external drive but can find no way to do it. Does anyone out there knows how I can do this in this 12.xx version???
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: How do I change the Default documentation folder location to an external drive?

    You can't change the 'Default' folder, or change the manner in which BlueVoda Saves pages heirarchally ... pages are saved on a resident system according to the unique pathways the resources are identified and imported onto the pages. Since different systems (i.e. different drives) have different pathways to each element (saved in different folders, system name different, etc.), there will always be the need to re-import items onto pages before publishing them.

    It is the same as if you had to import a lost page as HTML: you will need to re-import items onto pages (including all the images and dynamic elements such as Menus, Lightbox, etc.) in order for the page to have solid source paths to publish properly.

    This is why you need to pick a single computer to publish a single site from, and deal with the requirements to "re-build" pages accordingly any time you "share" page files or publish from different systems ...

    HOW > Top Of Forum Page: "Support & Community" > TUTORIALS > BlueVoda Tutorials > "How To Import HTML Pages Into BlueVoda"
    Follow the directions for importing from a local source, not from a web page.

    Of course, you WILL have to re-build the pages (re-import dynamic elements and images, re-configure links and styles, re-format text, etc.) in order to have a functional page on your system.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

