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Templates...and more

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  • Templates...and more

    *I have no templates at all in my VodaHost.

    The one Ive build,I made the templates myself.

    But now I want to build a site to publish.But I dont have any templates at all.Where are they?

    *And how do I get an adress for my site?

    *And,is it up to meg where the site shows?My tough was that I wanted to not have it on any search engies.I mostly want to let my self chosen to se the site.By not spred my adress around in search engies.

    *Is there a way that there is no ads on the site when puplished?

    lol,lots of questions from me now....

  • #2
    Re: Templates...and more


    When you click on the open folder- it opens the BV folder with all your BV files. Down below- select "all files" and your templates should show up.

    PHP- is a blast!


    • #3
      Re: Templates...and more

      Yes I know.But it cannot be uset.Unknown file it says.And when I open the one I find,its empty...?

      But I dont really need a templetes as a must.A background wold do just fine.But where do I find those?

      Thank you for taking time answering me...


      • #4
        Re: Templates...and more


        The BV web builder is webbuilding tool that is free. To publish to the internet- you must purchase the hosting from BV and at the same time you can purchase and set up domain name. There are links on the bottom of the BV builder- one should take you to purchase a hosting package.

        There will be no ads on your site- you have total control of its entire content (so long as it adheres to BV policy i.e. no adult content.)

        You pick your domain name and if it isn't already on use- it's yours. This all occurs at sign up for hosting or purchase of domain name.

        Also on the links at the bottom of the BV builder- one should take you to a section that has all sorts of BV downloads to include templates that are free. There are many -many templates.

        I am afraid that I do not know a way that you can keep yourself totally hidden from search engines. They kinda find you automatically via some pretty sophisticated programs. So- you will be found.

        If you created a template and saved it as a template- it should be in what ever folder you saved it in. It will not show up until you choose the all files selection. If it is not there- I am at a loss.

        Make sure to watch the BV video tutorials as they are very good and explain much about how to go about making a site.

        Hope that helps

        PHP- is a blast!


        • #5
          Re: Templates...and more

          This may not be the official way...

          I wanted very specific things on my site. Mostly the background and oval at the top with my name. I made one page and did 'save as...' startpage.
          Then when I go to make a new page I open that startpage work on it some and 'save as...' products (or what ever I need to publish it as).

          I have my startpage and every thing is in the same spot (header, buttons, Email me, etc...)

          With a few small issues this seems to be working for me.



          • #6
            Re: Templates...and more

            Very good idea! Perhaps posting this little gem in the tips and tricks?

            PHP- is a blast!


            • #7
              Re: Templates...and more

              Katrine, to keep a site from being found by se's is pretty close to impossible - but you can NOT have any links anywhere to your site (which is one of the ways they find you) which would include not putting your url, when you have it, on forums like this.

              You also can put in do not follow into your meta for each page for the se's. They'll still find you but if you tag it all correctly, they won't use you for search results (again if you aren't found other places with links to you).
              A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

              SEO and Marketing Tools
              SEO - The Basics


              • #8
                Re: Templates...and more

                Originally posted by Andy128
                Very good idea! Perhaps posting this little gem in the tips and tricks?

                Sir yes Sir Captain Right away. lol




                • #9
                  Re: Templates...and more

                  What OhS**** does, is quite correct. It is excactly what the BV "Save as Template" function does. You create one page, you save it as a template, then evrytime you have to create a new page, just preass "New Page" > "From Template"
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                  • #10
                    Re: Templates...and more

                    I did that and lost it some where in the never land of my computer all I could find was the ones from BV that I had loaded to look at and see if they fit my wants.



                    • #11
                      Re: Templates...and more

                      That is a great Idea, I never thought of that...I keep trying to look back and forth...duh
                      Sharon Chajin

