Using BV pages in Soholaunch

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  • meljr2

    • May 2006
    • 14

    Using BV pages in Soholaunch

    If I have already created a number of pages in BV but now I'm considering using Soho's ecommerce component. What would the steps be to use my BV pages in Soho? What steps would I need to take to setup Soho? Also is Soho a secure ecommerce tool (SSL)?
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: Using BV pages in Soholaunch

    SSL is independent of Soho or BV. It regards your site and is a encryption comunication protocol set between the server and the visitor's computer so that no third party can see the information sent from and to the server.
    You cannot put BV pages in Soho. Or, beter, you can put them, but there is no sense in that. You must either build your site entirely in Soho, or have practically two sites: one inBV, for the rest of your site, and one in Soho, for the shop.

    If by "steps to setup Soho" you nean how to install it, this can be done through Fantastico. Make sure to install it in a subfolder of it's own, so it won't get mixed up with the rest of your pages.
    Last edited by navaldesign; 06-06-2006, 06:57 AM.
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    • meljr2

      • May 2006
      • 14

      Re: Using BV pages in Soholaunch

      Thank you for your reply Navaldesign.

      As a followup, if I keep using BV, then osCommerce is the prime commerce tool right? It's just a little more advanced than i need right now, but I'll look into it further.

      Thanks again...

