Adding articles and documents

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  • choco777
    Brigadier General

    • Apr 2006
    • 1526

    Adding articles and documents

    Is it best (well, I know it depends on which is better of the two) to write your own documents and creating a page to add or better to link to another site with the same info. If linking to a site, aren't you not simply stating, "we don't know but these people do." In a travel site I certainly don't want to drive people to other sites. There is enough competion as it is. Don't know if that is explained well but I think you'll understand

  • racefan20
    Major General

    • Jul 2005
    • 2335

    Re: Adding articles and documents

    Depends on your relationship with the other site and whether they are willing to share their content. You really need permission to post someone else's work on your site so if you don't have that, then a link is the best way to go. (Set the link target to _blank, this will open the other site in a new window, keeping the reader on your site as well.) If you do have permission, then by all means create your own page so that visitors don't leave your site.
    My NASCAR Forum


    • choco777
      Brigadier General

      • Apr 2006
      • 1526

      Re: Adding articles and documents

      okay. I plan to write most of it anyway. but there are alot of government publication both U.S. and Mexican that are free domai I BELIEVE that govermments do not copyright on anything.

      I tried to link my published page to a form content page(not published because of name untitled1 , i cannot change except in view) but on the web it didn't work. the name is still untitled but on the view >it is entitled contact it just does not change on list of BV pages and one that is the confirmation page can be seen but is not listed. confusing?


      • racefan20
        Major General

        • Jul 2005
        • 2335

        Re: Adding articles and documents

        Your links won't work unless the pages are published.

        You're right, reposting government articles should be no problem.
        My NASCAR Forum

