dialups concern or no????????

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  • mark6110

    • May 2006
    • 261

    Re: dialups concern or no????????

    Kate, You know that every comment made here comes with the unwritten codicil that "you are exempt from any negitive aspect of it". You must also know that you are not just important, you are the life blood of the forum.

    Having said that, I have to aggree that if you design your site for the slowest download speeds it will never really be what you want the visitoer to see. It is a constant act of compromise.

    Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
    Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


    • kassi59
      Major General

      • Nov 2005
      • 2771

      Re: dialups concern or no????????

      mark - blush...I just wanted it to be said that everyone is a potential customer....I work with some elderly and they dont have the savvy for high speeds...lol.....just wanted to keep the dial uppers up and going!!!!!
      and thats not easy!....with bad connections...hehehe...


      • mark6110

        • May 2006
        • 261

        Re: dialups concern or no????????

        I have just noticed that my last post was written by my dislexic half!
        If there was a calorific expenditure related to posting kate would be the fittest of us all! I have never seen such fast and furious hop, skip and jumping from post to post. I am out of breath!
        You may have a slow connection but make up for it with the fastest fingers in the east!

        Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
        Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


        • kassi59
          Major General

          • Nov 2005
          • 2771

          Re: dialups concern or no????????

          oh no, I keep browsers open and refresh...gotta make up for slow connections!...lol
          at this moment I have 4 in vodahost
          5 in another
          3 in another
          and on my firefox I have two browsers open with 6tabs on one and 8 tabs on the other...
          hmm..guess I closed IE...lol
          its not about speed, its ogranization...
          gotta get back to bluevoda!...


          • mark6110

            • May 2006
            • 261

            Re: dialups concern or no????????

            Must try that if I ever have time, thanks Kate. LOL

            Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
            Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


            • kassi59
              Major General

              • Nov 2005
              • 2771

              Re: dialups concern or no????????

              lol..I have to concidering I dont have the time some days, and there is much to do and not enought time...so I have to juggle, multitask..
              hey mark,, you could try multitask!...lol...


              • mark6110

                • May 2006
                • 261

                Re: dialups concern or no????????

                I could Kate,
                but I here the operation is very painfull and I am not too sure my wife would approve. Only women can mutitask, isn't that right? OUUCH!

                Mobile Hair & Beauty Treatments, Costa del Sol, Spain
                Bridal hair and make-up service, Costa del Sol, Spain


                • kassi59
                  Major General

                  • Nov 2005
                  • 2771

                  Re: dialups concern or no????????

                  Well thats what Ive heard darlin' but Im not one to believe what I hear...lol....I would think your wife would appreciate it if you could multitask!....


                  • choco777
                    Brigadier General

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 1526

                    Re: dialups concern or no????????

                    really is only USD $611 london to cozumel. Tabasco is not that far from Cancun or Cozumel.
                    Got all caught up in multi tasking there for a minute


                    • FPRob

                      • Aug 2006
                      • 955

                      Re: dialups concern or no????????

                      Thanks Choco .. At least once I have paid the airfare I know that I won't have any problems finding somewhere to stay hehehehe

                      ;) ;) ;)



                      • Bethers
                        Major General & Forum Moderator

                        • Feb 2006
                        • 5224

                        Re: dialups concern or no????????

                        I completely disagree with anyone who says you should ignore dial-up - unless you are targeting for an area where almost all will have high speed. In the US, unfortunately, there are LOTS still with dial-up - especially in states with mountains - and they will click off the really slow loading sites very quickly to find another to purchase from that loads faster.

                        One of the reasons I switched to Voda from my previous webhost is there were things intrinsic in their hosting that caused my sites to load slow no matter how well I optimized. Selling products, I have to have pictures - but I can work very hard to optimize my pics to load as quickly as possible - and to take that into consideration.

                        Like screen resolution - you can't make everyone happy - but you have to take it all into consideration. Also, today - many people are using **** pilots and other devices - they even order from them - and those load slowly like dial-up.
                        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                        SEO and Marketing Tools
                        SEO - The Basics


                        • choco777
                          Brigadier General

                          • Apr 2006
                          • 1526

                          Re: dialups concern or no????????

                          I do not have the programs such as Photo shop, etc. and there are no stors her that sell ANYTHING for computers
                          other than video games. Is there anything I can use to
                          reduce volume , size of images or change jpg to gif?? I can get it shipped maybe it gets here maybe not, registering is no assurance. They also tas imported goods, heavily.


                          • bill2006
                            Lieutenant General

                            • May 2006
                            • 3421

                            Re: dialups concern or no????????

                            Originally posted by choco777
                            I do not have the programs such as Photo shop, etc. and there are no stors her that sell ANYTHING for computers
                            other than video games. Is there anything I can use to
                            reduce volume , size of images or change jpg to gif?? I can get it shipped maybe it gets here maybe not, registering is no assurance. They also tas imported goods, heavily.
                            Aren't you using PixResizer?
                            Certain programs. like Picasa2, will also let you resize for email and posting.
                            You can get anything you want from el DF.
                            I agree you need the dial-ups, too many use it.


                            • FPRob

                              • Aug 2006
                              • 955

                              Re: dialups concern or no????????

                              You can get The Corel Graphics Suite or Adobe Photoshop of eBay for a remarkable price and... They are original copies 99% of the time too.

                              I definitely recommend Corel for ease of use and learning about graphics.




                              • Vasili

                                • Mar 2006
                                • 14683

                                Re: dialups concern or no????????

                                Originally posted by FPRob
                                Hi Chocco... It loaded quick for me too but thats a broadband thing as you noticed. One of your main problems will be the file size of the picture on your index page. The one in the top left. Try re-doing it but saving as GIF not a JPG. The quality will be slightly lower but it will shave maybe 80% off the file size.
                                NOT TRUE

                                If you simply run each of your images through the Free VH pix resizer, it will sufficiently reduce your JPG file sizes for optimal dialup loads.....
                                (file size should be 70-100 for instance).

                                It's best to stick with "tried and true" BV advice.....it's a standard for a reason.
                                And, that's why you recently recieved hints to reduce the number of pictures on your pages, combining content in a balanced approach.
                                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                                * Success Is Potential Realized *

