gif files

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  • PinCushionQueen
    First Sergeant

    • Aug 2006
    • 71

    gif files

    I've been snooping around the 'net and downloading some more backgrounds and animations and stuff for my site. They were in gif format and I saved them to specific folders. When I come to get them they're not there!! My gif files are totally empty and the things I've saved don't exist!! Now, my PC's pretty rubbish as my boyfriend has the flash one for his digital art so I've got this second hand thing that runs on Windows 98 SE... Could there be a problem with this program that means it doesn't get what a gif picture is?? I really don't understand! All bitmap and jpegs are saving fine - it's just the gifs!!! Pleeeeeze help!!!

    sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Re: gif files

    Try a re-boot (if you haven't already)

    Second- upgrade to Windows XP. Windows 98 is no longer a supported OS any more and thus- it will be plagued with problems as it will not have security patches, updates necessary to work with todays graphics.

    When I have people approach me to fix their computers- if it is Windows 95, 98 or ME- I won't even touch them. Too many problems that you can never fully resolve.


    PHP- is a blast!


    • PinCushionQueen
      First Sergeant

      • Aug 2006
      • 71

      Re: gif files

      Ah.... Thank you for your advice. I shall now go and successfully murder the sales person who told me that this PC with Windows 98 installed would be a wonderful purchase!!!!! If nobody hears from me for a while it's coz I'm in prison.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

      sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."


      • FPRob

        • Aug 2006
        • 955

        Re: gif files

        In some of my programs especially art programs it is possible that the 'open file' command is set to recognise certain files only. This can be changed by clicking the 'open file' button then directly beneath where you enter the filename (at the bottom of the little grey dialogue box) ensure that the pull down menu option is set to 'all files'.

        If you are having this problem as a general rule in Windows (eg in 'Windows Explorer' or 'My Computer') then yup... There is a problem somewhere.

        I wouldn't know where to start though, never heard of a problem like that before.



        • PinCushionQueen
          First Sergeant

          • Aug 2006
          • 71

          Re: gif files

          Thank you FPRob but, alas, I am still going to murder someone... I have tried selecting the "all files" option but my gifs still refuse to come up... Oh well... As I'm squeamish it's maybe better to halt my murderous intentions and just go and buy XP...!

          sigpic"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."


          • FPRob

            • Aug 2006
            • 955

            Re: gif files

            If you can remember the name of one of the GIF's... Try using the Windows search option to see if you can locate it. Just a little test to see what happens.



            • CarbonTerry
              Major General

              • Oct 2005
              • 2620

              Re: gif files

              Don't rush out and purchase XP just yet. Many older computers will not run XP very efficiently.
              Carefully consider buying a completely new computer even though Windows Vista is on the near horizon.
              Possibly someone here can help more than I.
              Semper Fi
              Still green...still mean......just not as lean

              Red Hawk Archery
              Zone 5 Photo
              My USMC


              • CarbonTerry
                Major General

                • Oct 2005
                • 2620

                Re: gif files

                Is it possible that you have 2 folders named the same except that they are in different directories and when you try to open the gif files you are in the folder that has no gif's in it?
                Semper Fi
                Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                Red Hawk Archery
                Zone 5 Photo
                My USMC


                • nksiefert
                  First Sergeant

                  • May 2006
                  • 73

                  Re: gif files

                  I have found this to happen in the past and heard that this is some type of 'protecting' against stealing the graphic. It will show up but as a dot and at 1x1 pixels. Basically, it's not there for all practical purpose, blank...I save a lot of graphics, have XP and know how to save, download and such. But, it does happen and could be this 'not/save' function they have set on their website as a protection.

                  Just a guess, because I've gone through that. The pics were not anything to lose sleep over and deleted them. And...didn't matter what format they were. Kind of baffled me at first, but now am used to it. I make sure I take from a free-for-the-taking site only. Which I thought those were, but guess not. Just my opinion, how invalid it may be...

