Publish question

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  • hyperakos

    • Apr 2007
    • 1

    Publish question

    Hi everybody
    This is my first post,and i will propably ask something stupid.
    My english also are very bad and rusty so i ask forgiveness in advance.

    I looked over several posts and i could not find the information i am looking for...
    The question is simple.

    My hoster is in Greece my site is "up" and says Under Construction which is by default...which is the easiest way to publish my site.
    The file extension is .bvp.Can i manually put it to some folder and work?
    I think i can't use the software for publishing since it's pointing your servers...
    When i learned about you,it was already too late.
    I gave 60 euro for 1 year just to be hosted and for the domain abou 28....what a pitty

    Thanks in advance and sorry for bad spelling(and more)
  • Watdaflip
    Major General

    • Sep 2005
    • 2116

    Re: Publish question

    You need to publish the .bvp files to VodaHost servers (requiring VodaHost webspace), in order for them to be converted to html to where they can be used.

    Register/Login Script
    Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script


      Private First Class

      • Mar 2007
      • 9

      Re: Publish question

      Hi everybody

      I looked over several posts and i could not find the information i am looking for...

      I had 1 webpage published to website " ".
      I then do some modification and upload again.

      The message box shown as " ERROR: 550 Cann't change directory to public_html. No such file directory. "

      I delete the file call " index and public " inside cpanel and repeat the process. It still not work.

      What shoul I do now?

      Tks a lot to anybody who can help me to solve the problem.
      My hoster is in Greece my site is "up" and says Under Construction which is by default...which is the easiest way to publish my site.
      The file extension is .bvp.Can i manually put it to some folder and work?
      I think i can't use the software for publishing since it's pointing your servers...
      When i learned about you,it was already too late.
      I gave 60 euro for 1 year just to be hosted and for the domain abou 28....what a pitty

      Thanks in advance and sorry for bad spelling(and more)


        Private First Class

        • Mar 2007
        • 9

        Re: Publish question

        Hi everybody

        I looked over several posts and i could not find the information i am looking for...

        I had 1 webpage published to website " ".
        I then do some modification and upload again.

        The message box shown as " ERROR: 550 Cann't change directory to public_html. No such file directory. "

        I delete the file call " index and public " inside cpanel and repeat the process. It still not work.

        What shoul I do now?

        Tks a lot to anybody who can help me to solve the problem.

