My flash website does not autoplay. Please help. Thank you.
Flash autoplay?
Re: Flash autoplay?
Check what you've done with your flash file if it does not auto-play.
Re: Flash autoplay?
Maybe you can post the file here and your bluevoda file to check the problem out or maybe a link, please be more specific with your problem and give us more information so we can help you out.
Re: Flash autoplay?
I'm sorry, I forgot my password for the forum. This is the link and I did not use Blue Voda to make the site hence, I dont have any Blue Voda file at all. As a matter of fact, it's a template I purchased online and use Flash 8.0 to edit the text. The problem is you have to right click the page and chose play for the site to appear. It won't play automatically as it's supposes to. I am sincerely appreciate any help.
Thomas Nguyen.