Trouble with text links

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  • jerryl
    First Sergeant

    • Feb 2008
    • 78


    Trouble with text links

    Hi All,
    Its been a while, I hope everybody is doing well.
    I've had my index page up for a while, but now I'm trying to put up my other pages and having some problems. They seem to publish OK but the links won't work. My page is
    Hell, I can't even get the link to work in this post! Anyway, its easy to forget things if they are new to you and you don't keep at it.
    Back to my problem, in the text menu properties window I've put as the destination URL for one of the pages. That should work right? I'll wait and let someone respond, if you need any other info please tell me.
    Thanks for your help
  • AJ113
    Special Status

    • May 2007
    • 332

    Re: Trouble with text links

    Yes, it should work - providing there actually is a published page called setup.html. It doesn't look like there is one.


    • Bethers
      Major General & Forum Moderator

      • Feb 2006
      • 5224

      Re: Trouble with text links

      the setup.html in your post goes to a page not found.

      As for the links in your navigation - everyone I looked at had a typo -
      you have www without a . after it.

      But, as the above poster says, you need to make sure the pages you're publishing are named exactly how you're calling them up in the url.
      A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

      SEO and Marketing Tools
      SEO - The Basics


      • jerryl
        First Sergeant

        • Feb 2008
        • 78

        Re: Trouble with text links

        Thanks AJ113, and Bethers,
        So let me get this straight, I should bring up the page click on "file" and "name page as" than name it the same as the URL in the "text menu properties box"?
        In other words name the page
        One other question, just out of curiosity, what happens to pages published that you can't find? Out there somewhere in cyberspace?
        Thanks, I'm sure glad you folks are here for me to talk to!


        • Bethers
          Major General & Forum Moderator

          • Feb 2006
          • 5224

          Re: Trouble with text links


          The name of the page has to be what you use for the url. So, in your example above, the page name would simply be setup

          The pages are published - under the names you named them. So if you look at the name, then you just have to make the url match.
          A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

          SEO and Marketing Tools
          SEO - The Basics


          • jerryl
            First Sergeant

            • Feb 2008
            • 78

            Re: Trouble with text links

            Thanks Bethers,
            I got them to link, although I'm not sure I understand it fully yet. Anyway I'll keep at it and by this time next year I might really understand what I'm doing
            I'm still wondering where pages are that publish but you never see?
            Are they just taking up space on the server, or if they don't link to anything are they deleted? Again just curious.


            • AJ113
              Special Status

              • May 2007
              • 332

              Re: Trouble with text links

              There's nothing to understand really. Let's say you're going to design and publish a page called aboutus

              1. In BV, name your page aboutus. On your computer you will find it has been named aboutus.bvp

              2. Publish your page.

              3. The address of your page will be

              The only reason that you have pages that you cannot see is that you have not placed a link to them anywhere. Look in your public_html folder by using the file manager in Control Panel, you will see all the pages that you have published. If you don't want them there you can delete them.


              • jerryl
                First Sergeant

                • Feb 2008
                • 78

                Re: Trouble with text links

                Thanks AJ113,
                I'm as green with this stuff as you could be. It says it's as easy to use as word, but I've never used word. I had never even sent an email until a few months ago. Like I said I'm working at it and learning, and I'm catching on.
                Thanks again,


                • AJ113
                  Special Status

                  • May 2007
                  • 332

                  Re: Trouble with text links

                  Don't worry about it. We were all in your situation at some point. It's quite a steep learning curve but if you persevere you will soon get the hang of it.

