Re-publishing question

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  • annesen
    Private First Class

    • Jan 2008
    • 6

    Re-publishing question

    Hi there

    Is there any way I can make sure my clients see the new page when I republish? I know in some cases that I have to clear the cache on my computer to see the changes but how would my clients know to do that if I don't tell them that I have republished a page?

    Thanks for your help.
  • jamslive
    First Lieutenant

    • May 2007
    • 168

    Re: Re-publishing question

    i need script or program that when clinte want subscribe for 10 minits, he will pay than he
    get user name and password for this limit season subscribe , next time he
    try to get in he will need to pay and get new user name and password'and the
    page will be secure.
    i have many kind of subscribe - 15 minite , 30, 1 hour ....

    i use two method of payment: 1 paypal 2. local creditcard
    i have oll the system for pay.
    thank you for your immediate unswer

    you think you anderstand my need?

    James Acobas


    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: Re-publishing question

      Sorry your thread got hijacked by jamslive

      This will happen with all websites, you can put a code in the head of the page to stop it caching. But if you do! make sure you have a very fast site or visitors will leave if the pages are taking a long time to load. This type of thing is usually used in sites that are updated every few minutes or hours like news sites.

      <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • annesen
        Private First Class

        • Jan 2008
        • 6

        Re: Re-publishing question

        Thanks for your help!

