Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

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  • adrianbrookes
    First Sergeant

    • Sep 2006
    • 72

    Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

    I want to publish BV documents to two subdomains on my vodahost server space. They are the same prefix, but two different domain suffixes (one is the other

    I have created the subdomains on the server per normal, and I see them listed; one as .net and the other as .biz, but both have the identical subdirectory name in brackets in the Addon Domain Maintenance list (siliconetape).

    How do I differentiate where my bv pages are going to when I use the publish function in BV?


    A-B Technology Group
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

    Primary domain? leave the "directory" area in the BV Publish dialog box blank, so it looks like this: public_html/

    Add-On or Sub-Domain? it should look like this: public_html/addondomainname
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • adrianbrookes
      First Sergeant

      • Sep 2006
      • 72

      Re: Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

      With my other sub-domains I just put the subdirectory name into the BV publish area: so it looks like : public_html/domain

      But with 2 domains the same, are you saying I now just add the suffix??

      so it would be like public_html/

      Then I would publish to the other subdirectory with public_html/

      Thanks, Adrian
      A-B Technology Group


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

        Do not use the extensions whatsoever!
        Did you see any used in the above examples or the Tutorials?? No....
        Follow the simple examples, and you will not have problems!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • adrianbrookes
          First Sergeant

          • Sep 2006
          • 72

          Re: Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

          I published to the public_html/siliconetape without the extension.

          If I enter or on a browser they both end up at the same place.

          But what I want to do is have different web pages for the .net and .biz.

          How do I seperate the publishing so I can publish different pages to each? (I'm starting to think I need to have the subdomain on a different account to accomplish this - it looks like I can't have two domain suffix's for the same domain on one account if I want different content on each??)

          A-B Technology Group


          • fantom1

            • Apr 2008
            • 4

            Re: Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

            Also I have the same one problem. How it makes yourself?
            Bongiorno. Ce qualcuno che parla italiano? Pur troppo non me la cavo bene con l'inglese. Ho aquistato un spazio sul server voda host e ho un indirizzo internet che finisce con una estensione .ch! Vorei sappere se ce qualche possibilitΓ  di publicare il mio sito avendo questa estensione. Qualcuno mi puo aiutare? Grazie.


            • LadyEye
              General & Forum Moderator

              • Jun 2006
              • 10526

              Re: Publishing to same prefix domains? How to?

              Hi ..

              First of all these domains .net and .biz would be domains, as opposed to sub domains ..

              If one if your main account, you would publish to public_html - the other you would publish to public_html/addondomainfolder ..

              When you add on the other domain and the directory is created, modify and change the directory to another name .. (it changes the folder, directory that you publish to) .. (your domain can be called Alligators but your folder/directory can be called Crocodiles if you like)

              Have two separate folders on your own computer as well, to store the individual pages that might be given the same names for each domain - example pages - index - contactus .. or whatever ..

              So you can remove the new add on domain and recreate it again, changing the name of the directory/folder for the 2nd ..

              Providing you are using different content for both websites this is what you will want to do ..

              If the content is the same, you would want to do a simple redirect from one domain to the other .. so you do not have two websites with identical content ..


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