"Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

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  • Scythian

    • Apr 2008
    • 372

    "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

    Dear VH staff and members...

    Thanks to this great VH forum and to its tutorials,
    I learned that :

    "bvp" is the name of our webpages when they're not yet published,
    "html" is the name automatically given to webpages once published,
    "php" is the name we have to give to any page containing a form
    (which has to be done into the "page properties").

    Still, three things trouble me.

    In which case do we have to name a page "ftp" ?
    In the case where a "php" page (containing a form)
    contains also a PayPal button, can it still be named "php", and if not, how ?
    In one of the cool DavidUndAlicia's "image tutorials",
    I read that the second page of a website is to be named "ftp",
    but the second page of my coming website is a "php" page...What to do ?

    Thanks for your kind help...

    (My account ID : 23538.)
  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

    Originally posted by Scythian View Post
    Dear VH staff and members...

    Thanks to this great VH forum and to its tutorials,
    I learned that :

    "bvp" is the name of our webpages when they're not yet published,
    not exactly, that is the file extention BV creates until published, not the name. They are two totally different things.
    "html" is the name automatically given to webpages once published,
    thats the file extention given to most pages after publishing
    "php" is the name we have to give to any page containing a form
    (which has to be done into the "page properties").
    usually none, once in a while you may have to change it to php if you create a form without the wizzard, from scratch. You can check and change this if need by right clicking on a blank area of your page and clicking properties.

    Still, three things trouble me.

    In which case do we have to name a page "ftp" ?
    never, ftp is a tool used to upload images, certain pages, etc. (most of the time you will just publish your pages.
    In the case where a "php" page (containing a form)
    contains also a PayPal button, can it still be named "php", and if not, how ?
    you never name any page with an extention, just a name. Once published it will be converted (you can look in your page properties to see which will be used or change it if needed) You really need to pay attention to this when linking because then you will need to add it to the address.
    In one of the cool DavidUndAlicia's "image tutorials",
    I read that the second page of a website is to be named "ftp",
    but the second page of my coming website is a "php" page...What to do ?
    I think you misread, all the pages EXCEPT the home page (named index) can be what ever name you decide, no extentions no spaces and lower case.

    Thanks for your kind help...

    (My account ID : 23538.)

    Be sure to follow the videos on naming and linking, all the information is there.
    How to add JAlbum to your site


    • davidundalicia

      • Mar 2006
      • 6294

      Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

      1) You can name any page (except your index page) anything you wish.....My Tutorial used that FTP named page simply as an example only.

      2) Any page can have a PHP extension but it is usually reserved for any pages that contains PHP or other coding.

      3) Name your 2nd page whatever you wish and if it contains a form or any code, save it with the PHP extension.

      Normal pages should have the html extension, so remember to change the extension back to html after publishing a PHP page.
      Have fun
      Regards..... David

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      • Scythian

        • Apr 2008
        • 372

        Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

        Thank you for your reply, D'son.

        (Yes, you're right, name and extension are two (absolutely) different things, it's just that I wanted to emphasize
        on other things in my question, and forgot to be more precise on the things I thought I knew already.)

        OK for your "ftp" explanation.
        And the tutorials are never watched enough.

        ; )


        • Scythian

          • Apr 2008
          • 372

          Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

          Dear DavidUndAlicia,

          first of all, let me express you my admiration towards your webmaster knowledge.

          My second page has got a form created with "the wizard form" from scratch, and a "buy now" Paypal button.
          Once the customer enters useful data in that form, he clicks on the "submit" button.
          Scrolling down just a bit, the customers encounters a "buy now" Paypal button.

          So, on the same page, there's a form with its "submit" button, and a Paypal "buy now" button.
          Do you think there would be a "conflict" between these two buttons ?

          I will save this page, as you say, with the "php" extension.

          Saving it as "php" by entering into this page's properties, I suppose ?

          Thank you.


          • D'son
            Major General

            • Apr 2008
            • 2577

            Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

            I see a problem with the two buttons on the same page in that when the user fills out your form they will be taken to your success page and away from the form. I suspect the buy now button will do the same thing. So it would be like an either or situation.
            How to add JAlbum to your site


            • davidundalicia

              • Mar 2006
              • 6294

              Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

              Ed is quite right, you need to get your clients to pay first through paypal
              and then get paypal to return them to your form and then the submit button takes them to the download page.................
              Have fun
              Regards..... David

              Step by Step Visual Tutorials for the complete beginner
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              • Scythian

                • Apr 2008
                • 372

                Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                Here we are, mates.

                I need the form first, because the customers have to select options, which makes the price they pay varying.

                The price they pay depends on what they 've chosen in the form's options.

                To resume :
                1) ---->the form with its options, according to which the paid price will be higher or lower, and
                2) ---->the "buy now" button, where they pay for what they've chosen in the previously filled form.

                How can I achieve this ?


                • Scythian

                  • Apr 2008
                  • 372

                  Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                  Here's what I was thinking about...

                  Please tell me what you think about it ...


                  • davidundalicia

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 6294

                    Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                    Without seeing the form and posible options, I could not give you my opinion.

                    The error page that you show will NOT catch the form errors(i.e. field not filled out etc)
                    You have to use field validation, which on error will list a message and return to the form itself.

                    One posible solution is to carry forward the final price from your product form to your paypal form in a hidden field.

                    Our long standing expert member NavalDesign, is the best guy to help you finalize this type of problem.
                    You should contact him Here:
                    and his rates are very reasonable.
                    Have fun
                    Regards..... David

                    Step by Step Visual Tutorials for the complete beginner
                    Newbies / Beginners Forum
                    FREE Membership Login Scripts: - Meta Tags Analyzer
                    My Social Networking Site - Free Contact Forms
                    Finished your New website!! Now get it noticed Here:


                    • Scythian

                      • Apr 2008
                      • 372

                      Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                      Thank you DavidUndAlicia.

                      So, you're giving me three possibilities :

                      "use field validation"

                      Where is this field validation located ?

                      "carry forward the final price from your product form to your paypal form in a hidden field"

                      Could you please give me a link, in order for me to see what is a hidden field ?

                      Making Naval richer than he actually is, and myself poorer than I actually am...(LOL)

                      Humor put aside, I really want to do it (or at least try my best) myself, before considering paying someone to do a job
                      (with all due respect to that person) I could certainly have learned to do myself. I'm patient and willing to learn.


                      • Scythian

                        • Apr 2008
                        • 372

                        Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                        In the "Editbox Properties",
                        I see "Validate", and there,
                        there is "Custom error message".

                        Is this something I need to validate, in order to "catch the form's error" ?
                        When doing so, I'm "asked" to customize this message.
                        What am I to do here, as a "customization" ?

                        If so, I'm ready to do it to all my Editboxes.

                        In this same path ("Editbox Properties"--->"Validate"), I see "Data Length"--->"Data required"
                        Do I need to validate this too -perhaps will this allow my customers not to forget to fill the said box- ?


                        • D'son
                          Major General

                          • Apr 2008
                          • 2577

                          Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                          Validating the individual feilds in your form means that if the user leaves one empty it will not allow the form to be sent, giving the "custom error message. You create the message ( IE; Enter your Name) The different properties lets you chose the type of info entered, for example if it is an email you can choose email, or for the phone number make it so that it accepts only numbers, etc.

                          As for making Naval richer thats up to you whether you want him to write the script for you or whether you ask for specific questions, he is very freindly and helpful just contact him.
                          How to add JAlbum to your site


                          • Scythian

                            • Apr 2008
                            • 372

                            Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                            Thank you D'son.
                            I'll do as you say for "Custom error message",
                            which will be one step further in the resolvation of the light problems I do encounter.

                            I don't have a single doubt about Naval being nice and friendly, but the point is, since this a forum, I'd like to learn at your sides to evolve, not that much to rely upon anybody else (with all due respect) doing the things I could have learned.


                            • Scythian

                              • Apr 2008
                              • 372

                              Re: "Html", "Bvp", "Php" and "Ftp"...

                              Done for the "Custom error message" !

