add on domain

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  • wjwj
    Private First Class

    • Jan 2009
    • 5


    add on domain

    Blue voda is a great source for unlimited designs to create webpages for anyone especially so for a newbee like me.

    I've successfully published my first website thanks to blue voda.

    However, my add on website shows a webpage that says

    You don't have permission to access /on this server

    I've repeated many times going through your tutorials on how to add on domains to cpanel and followed the instructions how to published using the folder public_html/

    Although, the message indicated that the page is successfully published and I clicked ok, each time that I checked on the website the same Forbidden message appears.

    Where did I go wrong? Please help.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: add on domain

    You cannot "publish" a web page with a different Domain name until you properly create an additional Directory for that Domain name itself, thus why it is called an "Add-On Domain."

    You create an Add-On Domain from within your Control Panel of your hosting account, as detailed in this Tutorial.

    If in fact you are confusing the method and manner in creating pages instead of publishing to properly configured separate Domains (you do not simply change the name of the domain to include the page title, for instance), you might ned to review the basic Tutorials regarding How to Name Your Pages and How To Publish Your Pages so you have a definite understanding of the logic and processes you must follow.

    You might also take a minute to review this post to clearly understand the differences between the domains, the logic in how they relate to one another, and the method required to process the specific configurations. If you do not wish to purchase additional Domains to be used as Add-On Domains to your existing hosting account, you may wish to instead create in your cPanel a Sub-Domain (a Sub-Domain is not an Add-On Domain).
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • wjwj
      Private First Class

      • Jan 2009
      • 5

      Re: add on domain

      Thanks for your reply.

      I've done all the things that you have mentioned prior to seeking for your help. In fact I've scutinized them many times over.

      They include 1. pointing the domain name to voda host name server given to me as
      2. creating an add on domain in cpanel and getting the folder as
      public_html/ otherwise I would not have known.

      The domain name is from *******.com bought sometime ago but has never been used. Now I would like to publish it as an add on domain and not a subdomain.

      Please advice.


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: add on domain

        Contact Customer Support to best pinpoint the missed step.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • wjwj
          Private First Class

          • Jan 2009
          • 5

          add on domain

          I've solve my problems thanks to you Vasili.

          The new website wasn't published was my own mistake. I did not disable redirection for the add on domain which I had erroneously did previously.


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: add on domain

            A tip that I have not mentioned before, but which helps greatly to solve issues and provide a manner of finding a solution when facing challenges during your website evolution:

            If not already started, begin now -- at wherever point you are -- to "Log" or "journal" everything you do to a site .... whether it be a notation how it was "associated" in cPanel, or a color scheme change, adding bookmarks (and what manner or presets you decided on), determining an alignment point on your pages .... anything and everything should be documented for later reference and for insight on steps taken, missed, or needing change.

            It is often too difficult to "spot" an error when looking blankly at a page in a "whole perspective" view, whereas it may be much simpler to easily turn to the specific notes pertaininig to the single issue of interest.

            The "issue" above might have been discovered much earlier if such a Log clearly had an entry of a previously created Re-Direct upon review, rather than trying to re-trace steps from memory!

            Just a suggestion that may save you from torment and frustration later!
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • wjwj
              Private First Class

              • Jan 2009
              • 5

              add on domain

              Thanks for your suggestion Vasili. Your point is well taken. You are absolutely right that it's not possible to recall everything from memory.
              It serves as a reminder for me to try not to forget to log in entries of things I did.

