MP3 files not publishing

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  • rrjoel
    Private First Class

    • Oct 2009
    • 6

    MP3 files not publishing

    I have in the past put QuickTime on my main page with mp3 files loaded. But lately the mp3 files seem to slow down the publishing of the fact, most of the time the page will not publish. When I take the mp3 files off, it publishes fine.

    I only do this on the index page - has something changed lately with publishing QuickTime on the page?
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: MP3 files on QuickTime does not want to publish

    Always provide the URL of your domain or website page in question when asking for Forum assistance, per Forum Rules!

    Anytime you publish pages with actual media files added to the page (video, music, photos in Conveyor, etc.), publishing will proportionately take longer to process as a matter purely concerning transmission of data. And, it all depends on your connection integrity and transfer rate, as well as your system (RAM, file structure, etc.). I personally think you are splitting hairs somewhat, unless the publishing process crashes often ... which again, points back to your system, connection, and manner of associating media files with the page itself.

    You are better off placing a Player on your page and linking to the files that you previously uploaded to your public_html/ (root) Directory, as this not only allows faster (and less susceptible to corruption) publishing, but faster page rendering for Visitors due to the reduced Page File itself.

    * Suggestion: QuickTime is fast becoming archaic and less popular, so you might be better off using RealPlayer instead to provide a more universal experience. Google it to explore the many options available, including players, skins, coding, etc.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

