To add Wordpress or ??

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  • evilstepdad

    • Oct 2008
    • 26

    To add Wordpress or ??

    Hello, I see that you can add worpress by going to the cPanel etc. but what I would like to know is if you did this would it add itself to the website that I am building in bluevoda? If it does how does it look and act and by that I am asking can you put content on it and have a link on the index page to the blog area where you keep up the blog etc.?

    I am building my site to be sort of like a blog but will have video, pictures etc. along with training videos and other things. I have just started building the site and am doing my stories I want on the site in word but got to thinking that doing it in wordpress like a blog might be better.

    Is there a lot of code in doing something like this? Just doing your average stuff gets my head hurting as I am no coder lol but if it is almost a plug and play then that would be great.

    Stories and videos almost go together as a lot of them will be of me training my dog.

    Thanks for any help,

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: To add worpress or ??

    No, it would not "add" to your BlueVoda website, but "replace" it completely if you install it directly upon your Domain's Root Directory (public_html).

    If you wish to "preserve" your BlueVoda website and use Wordpress "separately" as a Blog rather than as a main website platform, you then must create a separate Directory (folder) within the Domain to install Wordpress into.

    The new Directory (folder) can be auto-created by Fantastico as it auto-installs Wordpress for you only if you enter a "Name" into the INSTALL IN DIRECTORY Box at the beginning of the installation process.

    For instance, if you wanted to enter a name like my-blog (remember, no capitals, blank spaces, or symbols) upon your current hosted Domain
    (, you would first select your Domain from the drop-down Menu and then type my-blog in the INSTALL IN DIRECTORY Box, and continue with all the required Installation Steps.

    This creates a Wordpress installation you can LINK TO from your BlueVoda website which was saved from being wiped by a Wordpress installation.

    Using the example above, the link from your BlueVoda website to your Wordpress would look like this:

    The Fantastico Tutorial meticulously outlines these simple Installation Steps and options (although the example used is for the b2evolution blog, the same steps are used for Wordpress) .... and the many Wordpress Tutorials make "customizing" your installation a breeze and just a matter of clicks of your mouse.

    When it comes to the uniqueness of how Wordpress can slickly highlight different forms of Content, be they articles, videos, audio files, or whatever .... there simply is no limit to the layouts and emphases you can concoct. As far as transferring your written Content from MS Word to Wordpress, it really is just a matter of COPY + PASTE!! The rest is terribly easy to get the hang of things, and there is always a HELP screen to clearly explain each feature, how it works, and the options you can select from.

    *Here's some comparative examples of what you can do with Wordpress as a BLOG1 (basic installation), BLOG2 (custom Header), or as a fully customized WEBSITE -- all using the same Theme ('Twenty-Fourteen') which is included as one of the default Theme options in every Wordpress installation.

    With the Tutorials from VodaHost and the abundant Help within Wordpress itself, there are really no more excuses. Yes?
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: To add worpress or ??

      Never heard if you found my reply to your post useful or not .... Having difficulty still??
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *

