Using Keywords

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  • mattyfergus
    Second Lieutenant

    • Sep 2008
    • 121

    Using Keywords

    I have been re-designing my web site for a couple of weeks now and was about to publish, but before i do I needed to ask a question.

    When entering my keywords, the tutorials state to seperate them with commas, eg dogs,cats,pigs

    But what do I do when entering two words,

    eg cats,dogs,guinea pigs,etc

    Should I replace the white space with a hyphen?

    Simple Video Production Liverpool - Website video's, corporate video's, event filming, music video's, viral's, motion graphics & 3D animation
  • Marincky

    • Apr 2006
    • 4539

    Re: Using Keywords

    Originally posted by mattyfergus View Post
    I have been re-designing my web site for a couple of weeks now and was about to publish, but before i do I needed to ask a question.

    When entering my keywords, the tutorials state to seperate them with commas, eg dogs,cats,pigs

    But what do I do when entering two words,

    eg cats,dogs,guinea pigs,etc

    Should I replace the white space with a hyphen?

    No, keep[ your words seperate as you have above. Think very precisely when creating your keywords though. Putting 'dog' as a keyword is a bit too general and misleading, what does this tell the search engines? It could be a site about you rpet dog, it could be you look after dogs, maybe you run a kennles, or maybe you make t-shirts with dogs printed on them?

    So, try and make your keywords/phrases more specific.

    e.g dog sitter,pet sitter,dog walking etc etc

    Ensure that whatever you put into each pages meta keyword data is also in text on the page you are keywording too. And you only want about four or five keywords/phrases max.
    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

