The story... I was happily working on my computer, doing a few tasks, when I thought I smelt something funny. I was getting a cold, so I thouht nothing of it at first. But the smell stayed, and it smelt like something burning. When I touched the part of the a-c adapter that connect to the laptop, I burnt my finger. I instantly saved my work, and shut down. I then removed the ac adapter, burning my fingers a few more times. When I eventually got it out, I found to my dismay that the plastic at the end of the a-c adapter had melted into the connection point of the battery of my laptop. After I cursed HP a few times, I plug it back in, just to see what would happen. It instantly got hot, so I removed it yet again. I called HP (some people say they would rather be shot than talk to hp support) and was told numerous times that my product was out of warranty. I hung up. I called again, not satisfied with their option of sending in my laptop for $298.00 to do a "total hp repair". (for all I know they just kick it a few times and send it back.) I was on hold forever. Finally hearing that ringing sound, I begin chatting with someone with such an accent, I have to have them repeat things over and over again. I ask them to escalate my call, so instead he transfers my call to another department. I explain my situation again. I ask to be escalated to their manager. They speak with their manager a few times. I then am told that they will have a case manager call me. I leave my cell number. Two days later, they call, but I am at school, with my phone off so all I get is a missed call and a number. I call the number that was missed and get someone's voicemail from HP. I leave a message for them to call me back. I then call hp's main line again, and go through the same routine. I finally get someone withought an accent, who understands my issue, and instantly decides I need a case manager and asks me what number is best to reach me at, and what time. I tell them, and that is where I am now. The laptop is out of warranty. I don't care. It could have burnt my house down. Have you heard about all of the faulty laptop batteries that have exploded?
The question: What should I do?
Steps I have taken to resolve the issue: Refer to the epic above.
The question: What should I do?
Steps I have taken to resolve the issue: Refer to the epic above.