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Windows Media Player Question

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  • Windows Media Player Question


    I am about to sign up for a hosting account, I already have a domain name on another site and I have to wait another few weeks before I can transfer to BV, meanwhile I'm using the fantastic BV website builder and have a question about windows media player...

    My site is a video editing service and I am putting sample videos on a page for customers to view and choose a style from...I have had no problem applying the video player to my page but my question is this...when I upload the page live, will my video files upload as well? I usually embed video on another site via URL link, but I don't want anyone to download these videos, once uploaded via BV is there any way of keeping them from being downloaded by anyone else?

    This site is great, I am really impressed how easy everything is to use and the forums are wonderfully arranged. Thank you guys!

    Thanks in advance,

    "What?!... I'm msndrstood."

  • #2
    Re: Windows Media Player Question


    If its on the internet it can be stolen. Thats a fact. Even if you put it on another url, its in my temp files and i can run those temp files in any number of applications and save files.. if i choose to.



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    • #3
      Re: Windows Media Player Question


      Thanks for responding. I understand the risks of Internet commerce, for the tech savvy yes, I know anyone can steal anything online if they are so inclined. My question wasn't regarding security via BV but more so if anyone had any suggestions on how to apply a masking layer or something similar to the WMP application in BV.

      The other part of the question dealt with uploading the video files to WMP... I have the files linked in the BV web builder, when I upload those files, do I still have to upload the video files separately or will they all upload at the same time the website is uploaded to your hosting servers? I hope this clarifies the questions.

      Thanks for the help.

      "What?!... I'm msndrstood."


      • #4
        Re: Windows Media Player Question

        I know I have to post a new thread... how do I do that?

