Uploaded video not available

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  • lindasgold

    • May 2008
    • 10


    Uploaded video not available

    We have uploaded our video and it said that the upload was complete but then it did not show in the file manager as being there. We tried it as a flash file and an avi file.

    Is there a restriction on the file size? I don't know what ours is but it is 15 minutes long so I am sure it is big. Can anyone give me the parameters for the file sizes that will work when uploaded?

    My site is www.jeltraining.com
  • Karen Mac

    • Apr 2006
    • 8332

    Re: Uploaded video not available

    Depends how you load it. If you used ftp to upload it or if you used soho to upload it. It also depends on your connection speed. You may have lost some packets or it was corrupted. In soho it also matters where you upload it to as well.



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    • gabor

      • Feb 2008
      • 242

      Re: Uploaded video not available

      My experience:
      The same happened to me with a fair-sized file. I believe that you should stay well under 100 mb.
      And even then you may have problems downloading / playing it.

      A workable alternative is Youtube.

      Just a suggestion.




      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        It's Not About The "File," Really .....

        Originally posted by lindasgold View Post
        We have uploaded our video and it said that the upload was complete but then it did not show in the file manager as being there. We tried it as a flash file and an avi file. Is there a restriction on the file size? I don't know what ours is but it is 15 minutes long so I am sure it is big.
        Originally posted by gabor View Post
        My experience:
        The same happened to me with a fair-sized file. I believe that you should stay well under 100 mb. And even then you may have problems downloading / playing it.

        Mention was made that the file was succesfuly uploaded and "tried" as a Flash file ..... I would ask why you would attempt anything else BUT as a Flash file:

        Attempting to present a 15 minute long video file online is ludicrous at best, for even if it were possible to be totally unconcerned with outgoing band, it is downright disgusting to think that anyone would could be ignorant enough to carelessly chew up the band of a visitor (most do not realize themselves that since February 20, 2008 all ISP's have limited incoming/download band use -- even for the new breed of USB broadband modems to at most 5gb/mo.!) A 15 minute video is most likely close to 130mb even if "compressed" and at that size it is fairly certain to be impossible to even be emailed unless using a proxy client such as YouSendIt.com !!!

        This is not only a baseline object lesson for all of us building webs to be completely cognizant of all the elemental details and pure common sensibilities when designing form AND function, but illustrates in no uncertain terms the current migration of all progressive web designers to forcibly evolve video and streaming into a Flash-based formatting: Flash not only presents a better visual representation, by nature it already has reduced images and sound to pure code, which "loads" lightning fast and without cumbersome band usage.

        More importantly, if Users themselves have been keeping up to at least half-speed with their computer updates, their version of Flash Player and Java has been updated and capable of handling file sizes approximately 1.7x what they could just 10 months ago. So much for thinking downline, I supose --- the sources themselves are beginning to pick up the slack!

        My suggestion is to not only re-think your "presentation" with regard to breaking it into more "core valued" modules (segment the video into sections, and that way not only can you end up with more sensible and managable file sizes but also provide the Visitor with a clearer navigation to your Content ... thus the 'valuation' for Visitors as well as SE's who cache the additional tags to each file), but to migrate fully and finally into FLASH, which has a natural compression and data transference that is more suitable to meet the needs of today and capably meet the challenges of tomorrow!

        PS: To answer your question about "guidelines" for file downloads: A Zipped file should be kept under 20mb for universal access, and again depending on User connection, traditional assured sizes should be kept under 10mb; for media files, traditional rule-of-thumb (for same reasons above) has remained at the 3-15mb size -- and that is for compressed G3 video. Flash is optimally presented in files no larger than 20mb even though they typically represent similar data as would a video file as large as 55mb.

        .... and on we go!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • lindasgold

          • May 2008
          • 10

          Re: Uploaded video not available

          Thank you for your responses. I was mistaken - we had saved the file as a .mov not flash. We are very, very new to this so please bear with my ingnorance on some matters. We are now saving the video to flash to upload.

          We have figured out how to upload using ftp and get it onto the website. However it just shows a button to view the video instead of a movie player. I have looked through all the user manuals and other posts but can find nothing about putting a movie player on the site.


          • gabor

            • Feb 2008
            • 242

            Re: Uploaded video not available

            "Quicktime" player from left toolbar will play your .mov files.

            (Is this what you're referring to as "movies"? To practical purposes standard video files can also be considered as "movies".)



            • lindasgold

              • May 2008
              • 10

              Re: Uploaded video not available

              We reformmated the video into Flash as suggested, uploaded it through the ftp but it would not upload to Soho (I also noticed the Flash file extention is not one listed that can be used)

              The end result I am looking for is what I see on websites all the time. The player in a box on the site with the play button that you click. For marketing reasons I really don't just want a little button that you have to click for video. Is this possible with Soho? For someone like me who is brand new to this Soho has been very easy to use but this has bogged me down. The video is a critical component to our marketing campaing for our offline business.

              The help desk people said I had to get help through these forums. While I may be an expert in my field I am totally new to this and though I learn quickly I would greatly appreciate a step by step instruction on how to get this **** thing to work.


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Uploaded video not available

                Sounds like you may need to install an appropriate add-on to handle the formatting of the "module" (the table area to install it)..... sounds like another Fantastico/Soho version issue.

                Try getting together of Ben at TemplateZapper.com .... one of the very few developer/partners with Soholaunch.
                Usually, he'll offer his advice free, and is so incredibly affordable that it makes you wonder .... is he retired or not???
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *

