I am considering cancelling my subscription to Vodahost (no real problem except the old Paypal within iframes/continue shopping problem). I know that I can keep my domain name and have it transferred, but what about my email address?
Obviously, my email address nolon@nolonstacey.com is directly linked to my domain name www.nolonstacey.com, but I assume that is run by Vodahost?
As an alternative answer to this, if anyone knows how to work around the paypal issue in iframes (I have got around everything else except for the 'continue shopping' button not returning to the whole website, but to the page that is in the frame), I wouldn't need to cancel!!
I am considering cancelling my subscription to Vodahost (no real problem except the old Paypal within iframes/continue shopping problem). I know that I can keep my domain name and have it transferred, but what about my email address?
Obviously, my email address nolon@nolonstacey.com is directly linked to my domain name www.nolonstacey.com, but I assume that is run by Vodahost?
As an alternative answer to this, if anyone knows how to work around the paypal issue in iframes (I have got around everything else except for the 'continue shopping' button not returning to the whole website, but to the page that is in the frame), I wouldn't need to cancel!!