Could you please look at website and help with any pointers as to how and where to improve. This is my first try. I noticed that on the web under source my website shows up as an untitled page. How and where do I go to change this, and what is the best way to name it, related as to what our industry is about. You help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Vic Ten Veen
Voda Host client ID # is 19270
Could you please look at website and help with any pointers as to how and where to improve. This is my first try. I noticed that on the web under source my website shows up as an untitled page. How and where do I go to change this, and what is the best way to name it, related as to what our industry is about. You help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Vic Ten Veen
Voda Host client ID # is 19270