Hello there,
I have been trying without success to add php code to an HTML Website. I am using the codes from http://rssfeedreader.com
The code that was provided is:
$olderror_reporting =error_reporting(0);
includeed ("http://rssfeedreader.com/rss3/rss.php?url=&newpage=1&chead=1&atl=1&desc=1&owncss =&eleminate=&auth=1&dts=1&width=300&max=5&tlen=0&r nd=1&bt=3&bs=Double&nmb=&ntb=&naf=&nst=&nwd=300&nh t=250&dlen=0&lstyle=-1&lc=Blue&bg=White&bc=%23FF6600&spc=&ims=&tc=&ts=1 1&tfont=Verdana,+Arial,+Sans-serif&rf=".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."&phpout=1");
1. I have Defined the Apache Handlers to:
.htm server-parsed
.html server-parsed
2. I saved this as rssfeed.php
3. I have published it to: public_html/
4. I have created a test page: www.kgcinternational.com/test.html
5. I have included the following html code in that page: <!--#include virtual="/rssfeed.php" -->
6. I saved and published this page online
Any expert on this matter?
I have been trying without success to add php code to an HTML Website. I am using the codes from http://rssfeedreader.com
The code that was provided is:
$olderror_reporting =error_reporting(0);
includeed ("http://rssfeedreader.com/rss3/rss.php?url=&newpage=1&chead=1&atl=1&desc=1&owncss =&eleminate=&auth=1&dts=1&width=300&max=5&tlen=0&r nd=1&bt=3&bs=Double&nmb=&ntb=&naf=&nst=&nwd=300&nh t=250&dlen=0&lstyle=-1&lc=Blue&bg=White&bc=%23FF6600&spc=&ims=&tc=&ts=1 1&tfont=Verdana,+Arial,+Sans-serif&rf=".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."&phpout=1");
1. I have Defined the Apache Handlers to:
.htm server-parsed
.html server-parsed
2. I saved this as rssfeed.php
3. I have published it to: public_html/
4. I have created a test page: www.kgcinternational.com/test.html
5. I have included the following html code in that page: <!--#include virtual="/rssfeed.php" -->
6. I saved and published this page online
Any expert on this matter?