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Domain name ending

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  • Domain name ending

    1)is it possible for me to have my domain name ended with if it can be created by vodahost ? There is currently no such option .?,
    2)if i want to sell products pay pall does not currently cater for my currency south african rand ? How do i go to work if my products are mostly for south africans and the currency advertised must be in south african rands ?,
    3)what will the cost be if i want to develope three different websites for myself and have them hosted by blue voda ?

  • #2
    Re: Domain name ending

    1. You will have to purchase a domain name with the extension from a regtistrar local to you, and then simply make the proper nameserver entries to point that domain to your hosting account at VodaHost. These are simple things your registrar can help you do.
    2. If PayPal does not offer your currency, then you will have to select another processor, and there are many to choose from. Do a Google Search for one that has your currency.
    3. You can have one hosting account at VodaHost and unlimited Blue Voda websites (or any other type) within that single account.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

